Deep_classiflie_db is the backend data system for managing Deep Classiflie metadata, analyzing Deep Classiflie intermediate datasets and orchestrating Deep Classiflie model training pipelines.
Deep_classiflie_db includes data scraping modules for the initial model data sources (twitter,, washington post -- politifact and the toronto star were removed from an earlier version and may be re-added among others as models for other prominent politicians are explored). Deep Classiflie depends upon deep_classiflie_db for much of its analytical and dataset generation functionality but the data system is currently maintained as a separate repository here to maximize architectural flexibility. Depending on how Deep Classiflie evolves (e.g. as it supports distributed data stores etc.), it may make more sense to integrate deep_classiflie_db back into deep_classiflie.
Please see the main deep_classiflie project repository README or to learn more about both deep_classiflie_db and deep_classiflie.