Code for the paper in preparation based on ssanchezAZTI/WKDLSSLS_2019 (branch: paper) and including some improvements from libaibarriaga/WKDLSSLS2_2020
For STK1 and bc creates in the input folder STK1bc_dataLH.RData that contains: stk, sr_model, sr_params, ref.pts (same for lowprod and highprod instead bc)
For STK2 and bc creates in the input folder STK2bc_dataLH.RData that contains: stk, sr_model, sr_params, ref.pts (same for lowprod and highprod instead bc)
Code used in 01_lifeHistoryTraits_*_*.R for estimating the reference points.
For all defined stkn (STK1 and STK2) and lhsc (bc, lowprod and highprod) creates in the input folder the {stkn}{lhsc}_data.RData file that contains biols, SRs, fleets, indices, advice, main.ctrl, biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl, obs.ctrl, assess.ctrl, advice.ctrl
Code to be run in the cluster (using cluster/iters.qsub).
The OM is taken from the file input/list_oms.csv according to the task number.
For each OM it creates in the input folder data_omXXX.RData that contains biols, SRs, fleets, indices, advice, main.ctrl, biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl, obs.ctrl, assess.ctrl, advice.ctrl, IAV
As 03_FLBEIA_conditioning_iters.R, but restricted to scenarios with historical F=0.
As 03_FLBEIA_conditioning_iters.R, but assumming that there is not error in the historical recruitment (i.e. values are those predicted from the SRR).
It compares the different OMs generated to analyse their properties (e.g. initial depletion levels, SSB/Bmsy, average catch in the last 10 years of the projection period, catch/MSY or F-levels).
Code to be run in the cluster (using cluster/sims.qsub).
The scenario is taken from the file input/list_scenarios.csv according to the task number.
Code to be run in the cluster (using cluster/stats.qsub).
The total amount of scenarios are taken from the folder output/output_scenarios and are stored in the file output/scenario_list.RData.
For analysing the traces of specific iteration for a selection of scenarios (for checking bugs).
Code to plot catch and SSB trajectories for each OM (with lines for specific iterations).
Code for generating several plots for scenarios in BC without a biomass safeguard in the rule (i.e. BC + BSAFE = "none").
Code for generating several plots for testing sensitivity on the OM assumptions (i.e. scenarios in sensOM).
Code for generating several plots for testing sensitivity to the CV in the observed index (i.e. scenarios in sensCVID).
Code for generating several plots for testing the impact of including a biomass safeguard in the rule (i.e. all scenarios in BC).
Code for analysing the anomalies observed in calendars analysis.
Code for generating the plots to be included in the FRONTIERS' article.