Improved firmware for fermentation and Arduino based uploader for the STC-1000 dual stage thermostat.
The STC-1000 is a dual stage (heating and cooling) thermostat that is pretty cheap to buy. I (and a low of fellow homebrewers) use them to control the fermentation temperature of beer.
The goal of this project is twofold
- To create the means to reprogram the STC-1000 with a custom firmware
- To create a custom firmware, suited for fermenting beer
The first goal is achieved by using an Arduino UNO with a sketch to act as a programmer, and the second by using the SDCC compiler and GPUTILS.
Download by visiting the releases page and start by reading usermanual.pdf
- Both Fahrenheit and Celsius versions
- Up to 6 profiles with up to 10 setpoints.
- Each setpoint can be held for 1-999 hours (i.e. up to ~41 days).
- Somewhat intuitive menus for configuring
- Separate delay settings for cooling and heating
- Configurable hysteresis (allowable temp swing) from 0.0 to 2.5°C or 0.0 to 5.0°F
- Approximative ramping
- Button acceleration, for frustrationless programming by buttons
STC-1000+ Menu Navigation by Will Conrad
STC-1000+ Temp Profile Programming by Will Conrad
STC-1000+ Profile Builder Spreadsheet by Will Conrad
STC-1000+ Flashing Firmware by Will Conrad
STC-1000+ Firmware upload by Matt Hall
2014-04-04 Release v1.00 First release
2014-04-11 Release v1.01 Increase approximative ramping steps to 64
2014-04-15 Release v1.02 Improved temperature averaging
2014-04-16 Release v1.03 Added leaky integration filtering, improved averaging (+ bugfix)
2014-05-25 Release v1.04 A couple of minor improvements and a minor bugfix
2014-08-02 Release v1.05 Reset both heating and cooling delay when either heating or cooling cycle ends. Improved power off functionality, increased button debounce time, allow longer heating delays.