Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API.
Auto-detects ROS version from run-time environment, and provides equivalent functionality in either ROS version.
Main use-cases:
- helper library for working with ROS messages and data types
- replacement for ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
- drop-in replacement for
to convert a ROS1 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package - drop-in replacement for
to convert a ROS2 package to a ROS1/ROS2 package
Requires the corresponding ROS Python libraries: rospy
family for ROS1,
for ROS2.
Full API documentation available at
- Example usage
- ROS core functionality
- API helpers
- Converting an existing package
- Running tests
- Dependencies
- Attribution
- License
A simple node that publishes a message on receiving a service request:
import rosros
def on_trigger(req):
return {"success": True, "message": "Triggered!"}
params = rosros.init_params(service="/trigger", topic="/triggerings")
srv = rosros.create_service(params["service"], "std_srvs/Trigger", on_trigger)
pub = rosros.create_publisher(params["topic"], "std_msgs/Bool", latch=True, queue_size=2)
Equivalent ROS1 code using rospy:
import rospy, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv
def on_trigger(req):
return {"success": True, "message": "Triggered!"}
service = rospy.get_param("~service", "/trigger")
topic = rospy.get_param("~topic", "/triggerings")
rospy.set_param("~service", service)
rospy.set_param("~topic", topic)
srv = rospy.Service(service, std_srvs.srv.Trigger, on_trigger)
pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, std_msgs.msg.Bool, latch=True, queue_size=2)
Equivalent ROS2 code using rclpy:
import rclpy, rclpy.qos, std_msgs.msg, std_srvs.srv
def on_trigger(req, resp):
resp.success = True
resp.message = "Triggered!"
return resp
node = rclpy.create_node("mynode")
service = node.get_parameter_or("service", rclpy.Parameter("", value="/trigger")).value
topic = node.get_parameter_or("topic", rclpy.Parameter("", value="/triggerings")).value
if not node.has_parameter("service"):
node.declare_parameter("service", service)
if not node.has_parameter("topic"):
node.declare_parameter("topic", topic)
srv = node.create_service(std_srvs.srv.Trigger, service, on_trigger)
qos = rclpy.qos.QoSProfile(depth=2, durability=rclpy.qos.DurabilityPolicy.TRANSIENT_LOCAL)
pub = node.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, topic, qos)
Any ROS2-only extras used will be ignored under ROS1, like topic QoS reliability.
rosros provides a convenient way to auto-load all node parameters, and override or populate additional parameters from a nested dictionary.
# If the given defaults were not among existing node parameters,
# they will be auto-declared on the node.
params = rosros.init_params({"my": {"nested": {"param1": 5, "param2": True}}})
rosros provides short-hand convenience wrappers for publishing messages, invoking services and returning service responses, without needing to create the message or service request/response class instance explicitly.
ROS1 already provides this short-hand in rospy
but ROS2 API requires the instances to be created explicitly.
rosros also supports giving message or service request as dictionary.
In rosros:
pub = rosros.create_publisher("/topic", "std_msgs/Bool")
pub.publish({"data": True})
# Service callback need not accept any parameters if request object is irrelevant
srv = rosros.create_service("/service", "std_srvs/SetBool", lambda: {"message": "Triggered!"})
cli = rosros.create_client("/service", "std_srvs/SetBool"){"data": True})
Equivalent ROS1 code using rospy:
pub = rospy.Publisher("/topic", std_msgs.msg.Bool, queue_size=0)
srv = rospy.Service("/service", std_srvs.srv.SetBool, lambda req: {"message": "Triggered!"})
cli = rospy.ServiceProxy("/service", std_srvs.srv.SetBool)
Equivalent ROS2 code using rospy:
pub = mynode.create_publisher(std_msgs.msg.Bool, "/topic", 0)
def callback(req, resp):
resp.message = "Triggered!"
return resp
srv = mynode.create_service(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, "/service", callback)
cli = mynode.create_client(std_srvs.srv.SetBool, "/service")
rosros provides convenience one-shot timers in ROS2 like ROS1 does.
Additionally, rosros provides an option to start invoking the timer callback immediately, instead of waiting one period before first call.
timer = rosros.create_timer(2, lambda: print("just once, after 2 sec"), oneshot=True)
timer = rosros.create_timer(5, lambda: print("every 5 sec, starting now"), immediate=True)
# Can take seconds, can take an explicit Duration object
timer = rosros.create_timer(rosros.api.make_duration(5), lambda: print("every 5 sec"))
rosros provides a unified interface for reading and writing ROS bags.
Bag format is the custom ROS format in ROS1, and the SQLite database format in ROS2.
bag = rosros.Bag("my.bag", mode="a")
print(bag) # Prints bag metainfo, equivalent to "rosbag info"
bag.write("/my/topic", std_msgs.msg.Bool())
for topic, message, stamp in bag:
print("[%s] %s: %s" % (rosros.api.to_sec(stamp), topic, message))
Functionality for creating and operating a ROS node.
Objects returned are standard rospy
/ rclpy
API objects, patched with
additional members for a unified interface conforming to ROS1 API.
Name | Description | Arguments |
Startup, spin and shutdown | ||
rosros.init_node |
initializes ROS and creates ROS node (and returns Node object in ROS2) | name, args=None, namespace=None, anonymous=True, log_level=None, enable_rosout=True, multithreaded=True, reentrant=False |
rosros.start_spin |
sets ROS node spinning forever in a background thread | |
rosros.spin |
spins ROS node forever | |
rosros.spin_once |
waits until timeout in ROS1; executes one ROS operation or waits until timeout in ROS2 | timeout=None |
rosros.spin_until_future_complete |
spins ROS until future complete or timeout reached or ROS shut down | future, timeout=None |
rosros.ok |
returns whether ROS has been initialized and is not shut down | |
rosros.on_shutdown |
registers function to be called on shutdown | callback, *args, **kwargs |
rosros.shutdown |
shuts down live ROS node, if any | reason=None |
Parameters | ||
rosros.init_params |
sets all parameters on node from defaults dictionary, returns full parameters dictionary. | defaults=None, **defaultkws |
In ROS2, auto-declares unregistered parameters. | ||
rosros.has_param |
returns whether the parameter exists | name |
rosros.get_param |
returns parameter value from current ROS node | name, default=None, autoset=True |
rosros.get_param_names |
returns the names of all current ROS node parameters | |
rosros.get_params |
returns the current ROS node parameters, by default as nested dictionary | nested=True |
rosros.set_param |
sets a parameter on the node. | name, value, descriptor=None |
In ROS2, parameter will be auto-declared if unknown so far. | ||
rosros.delete_param |
deletes parameter from the node | name |
Topics, services, timers and rates | ||
rosros.create_publisher |
returns a ROS publisher instance | topic, cls_or_typename, latch=False, queue_size=0, **qosargs |
rosros.create_subscriber |
returns a ROS subscriber instance | topic, cls_or_typename, callback, callback_args=None, queue_size=0, raw=False, **qosargs |
rosros.create_service |
returns a ROS service server instance, for providing a service | service, cls_or_typename, callback, **qosargs |
rosros.create_client |
returns a ROS service client instance, for invoking a service | service, cls_or_typename, **qosargs |
rosros.create_timer |
returns a ROS timer instance | period, callback, oneshot=False, immediate=False |
rosros.create_rate |
returns a ROS rate instance, for sleeping at a fixed rate | frequency |
rosros.destroy_entity |
closes the given publisher, subscriber, service client, service server, or timer instance | item |
rosros.AnyMsg |
rospy.AnyMsg in ROS1, stand-in class with equivalent functionality in ROS2 |
rosros.sleep |
sleeps for the specified duration in ROS time | duration |
rosros.wait_for_publisher |
blocks until topic has at least one publisher | topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None |
rosros.wait_for_subscriber |
blocks until topic has at least one subscriber | topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None |
rosros.wait_for_service |
blocks until service is available | service, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None |
ROS bags | ||
rosros.Bag |
ROS bag reader and writer; | |
rosbag.Bag in ROS1 with some additional functionality; |
equivalent class in ROS2, using the ROS2 default SQLite format | ||
Information queries | ||
rosros.get_namespace |
returns ROS node namespace | |
rosros.get_node_name |
returns ROS node full name with namespace | |
rosros.get_nodes |
returns all ROS nodes, as [node full name, ] |
rosros.get_topics |
returns all available ROS topics, as [(topic name, [type name, ]), ] |
rosros.get_services |
returns all available ROS services, as [(service name, [type name, ]), ] |
rosros.remap_name |
returns the absolute remapped topic/service name if mapping exists | name, namespace=None |
rosros.resolve_name |
returns absolute remapped name, namespaced under current node if relative or private | name, namespace=None |
Miscellaneous | ||
rosros.get_logger |
returns logging.Logger for logging to ROS log handler; |
logger supports additional keywords __once__ , __throttle__ , __throttle_identical__ |
rosros.get_ros_version |
returns ROS version information as a data dictionary | |
rosros.get_rostime |
returns ROS time instance for current ROS clock time | |
rosros.register_init |
informs rosros of ROS having been initialized outside of init_node() . |
node=None |
Giving node as argument is mandatory in ROS2. |
Additional functionality patched onto rospy
classes for convenience:
rospy.ServiceProxy.call_async(*args, **kwargs):
makes service call in a background thread, returnsconcurrent.futures.Future
-like responserospy.ServiceProxy.wait_for_service(timeout=None, timeout_sec=None):
waits for service to become available, returnsTrue
, orFalse
on timeoutrospy.ServiceProxy.service_is_ready():
returns whether service is currently availablerospy.Subscriber:
callbacks are invoked with serialized message bytes if subscription was created withraw=True
returns ROS1 message type definition full text from bagrosbag.Bag.get_message_class(typename, typehash=None):
returns ROS1 message classrosbag.Bag.get_message_type_hash(msg_or_type):
returns ROS1 message type MD5 hashrosbag.Bag.get_topic_info():
returns topic and message type metainfo as{(topic, typename, typehash): count}
reindexes bag file on disk; makes a temporary copy in file directory
The following classes are patched with full conformity to their equivalents in ROS:
E.g. durations support +-*/
arithmetic, and publisher / subscriber provide .md5sum
for message type hash.
Functionality for working with message types and data and metainfo. Can be used as stand-alone library functions without initializing rosros core.
Name | Description | Arguments |
Message types and instances | ||
rosros.api.get_message_class |
returns ROS message / service class object, like std_msgs.msg.Bool for "std_msgs/Bool" |
msg_or_type |
rosros.api.get_message_definition |
returns ROS message or service request/response type definition text, | msg_or_type, full=True |
by default including message subtype definitions | ||
rosros.api.get_message_fields |
returns {field name: field type name} if ROS message or service request/response, else {} |
val |
rosros.api.get_message_header |
returns message Header -attribute if any, else None |
val |
rosros.api.get_message_type |
returns ROS message / service canonical type name, like "std_msgs/Header" |
msg_or_cls |
or "*" for AnyMsg |
rosros.api.get_message_type_hash |
returns ROS message / service type MD5 hash | msg_or_type |
rosros.api.get_message_value |
returns message attribute value, with numeric arrays converted to lists | msg, name, default=... |
rosros.api.is_ros_message |
returns whether value is a ROS message or service request/response class or instance | val |
Message conversion | ||
rosros.api.deserialize_message |
returns ROS message or service request/response instantiated from serialized binary | raw, cls_or_typename |
rosros.api.dict_to_message |
returns ROS message populated from Python dictionary | dct, msg_or_type |
rosros.api.message_to_dict |
returns ROS message as nested Python dictionary; | msg, replace=None |
with optional replacements for certain values like {math.nan: None} |
rosros.api.message_to_str |
returns ROS message as an evaluatable string, e.g. "std_msgs.msg.UInt8(data=0)" |
msg, indent=None |
rosros.api.serialize_message |
returns ROS message or service request/response as a serialized binary of bytes() |
msg |
Service classes and definitions | ||
rosros.api.get_service_definition |
returns ROS service type definition text | srv_or_type |
rosros.api.get_service_request_class |
returns ROS service request class object | srv_or_type |
rosros.api.get_service_response_class |
returns ROS service response class object | srv_or_type |
rosros.api.is_ros_service |
returns whether value is a ROS service class object | val |
Time and duration | ||
rosros.api.is_ros_time |
returns whether value is a ROS time/duration | val |
rosros.api.make_duration |
returns a ROS duration | secs=0, nsecs=0 |
rosros.api.make_time |
returns a ROS time | secs=0, nsecs=0 |
rosros.api.time_category |
returns "time" or "duration" for time/duration type, else value | msg_or_type |
rosros.api.time_message |
returns ROS2 time/duration from rclpy as builtin_interfaces or vice versa, |
val, to_message=True, clock_type=None |
or value if not convertible | ||
rosros.api.to_datetime |
returns value as datetime.datetime if value is ROS time/duration, else value |
val |
rosros.api.to_decimal |
returns value as decimal.Decimal if value is ROS time/duration, else value |
val |
rosros.api.to_duration |
returns value as ROS duration if convertible (int/float/time/datetime/decimal), else value | val |
rosros.api.to_nsec |
returns value in nanoseconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | val |
rosros.api.to_sec |
returns value in seconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value | val |
rosros.api.to_sec_nsec |
returns value in (seconds, nanoseconds) if value is ROS time/duration, else value | val |
rosros.api.to_time |
returns value as ROS time if convertible (int/float/duration/datetime/decimal), else value | val |
Class and type names | ||
rosros.api.canonical |
returns "pkg/Type" for "pkg/subdir/Type" |
typename |
rosros.api.get_alias_type |
returns ROS built-in type for alias like "char" , if any; reverse of get_type_alias() . |
typename |
In ROS1, byte and char are aliases for int8 and uint8 ; in ROS2 the reverse. |
rosros.api.get_type_alias |
returns alias like "char" for ROS built-in type, if any; reverse of get_alias_type() . |
typename |
In ROS1, byte and char are aliases for int8 and uint8 ; in ROS2 the reverse. |
rosros.api.make_full_typename |
returns "pkg/msg/Type" or "pkg/srv/Type" for "pkg/Type" |
typename, category="msg" |
rosros.api.scalar |
returns scalar type from ROS message data type, like "uint8" from uint8 -array; |
typename |
in ROS2, returns unbounded type, e.g. "string" from "string<=10[<=5]" . |
Miscellaneous | ||
rosros.api.format_param_name |
returns parameter name with correct separator for ROS version, and leading sigils stripped | name |
rosros.api.PARAM_SEPARATOR |
separator char between ROS parameter namespace parts | |
rosros.api.ROS_BUILTIN_TYPES |
list of ROS built-in numeric and string type names, like ["string", "uint8", ..] |
rosros.api.ROS_NUMERIC_TYPES |
list of ROS built-in numeric type names, like ["bool", "int8", ..] |
rosros.api.ROS_STRING_TYPES |
list of ROS built-in string type names | |
rosros.api.ROS_TIME_CLASSES |
ROS time/duration types mapped to type names | |
rosros.api.ROS_TIME_TYPES |
list of ROS built-in time/duration type names |
rosros can be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rospy
to make a ROS1 package equally usable under ROS2 - if the code relies only
on rospy
, and does not go too deeply into using ROS1 specifics like rosgraph
imports can be replaced with rosros.rospify
, e.g.
import threading
from rosros import rospify as rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
rospy.init_node("talker", anonymous=True)
pub = rospy.Publisher("chatter", String, queue_size=10)
rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
threading.Thread(target=rospy.spin).start() # Concession for ROS2: spin is always needed
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time()
In ROS1 it provides rospy
, and in ROS2 it provides matching API classes and functions.
Main behavioral differences of rospify
in ROS2 vs ROS1:
always returns 0, as ROS2 does not provide this information- subscribing with
needs the publisher existing - parameter operations always apply to node parameters, as ROS2 has no global parameters
- functions registered in
are called after node shutdown, not before rosros.rospify.get_master()
requires local node to be initialized, unlikerospy.get_master()
does nothing
rosros can also be used as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for rclpy
to make a ROS2 package equally usable under ROS1 - if the code mainly relies on
module and does not go deep into using ROS2 specifics like builtin_interfaces
imports can be replaced with rosros.rclify
, e.g.
from rosros import rclify as rclpy
from std_msgs.msg import String
class MinimalPublisher(rclpy.node.Node):
def __init__(self):
self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(String, "chatter", 10)
timer_period = 0.1 # seconds
self.timer = self.create_timer(timer_period, self.timer_callback)
self.i = 0
def timer_callback(self):
msg = String() = "Hello World: %d" % self.i
self.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"' %
self.i += 1
minimal_publisher = MinimalPublisher()
In ROS2, rclify
provides rclpy
, and in ROS1 it provides
matching API modules and classes and functions.
Covers all the parts of rclpy.node
that are supportable in ROS1, focused on:
creating nodes, publishing and subscribing topics, providing and invoking services,
working with rates and timers.
Main behavioral differences of rclify
in ROS1 vs ROS2:
- one single node as always in ROS1
- QoS profiles ignore all options except
(taken asqueue_size
), anddurability
(taken aslatch=True
) - no contexts, no executors, no waitables
- no callback groups, no guard conditions, no middleware events
Methods pertaining to unsupported functionality do nothing and return None
Unsupported arguments in methods are ignored.
Developed and tested under ROS1 Noetic and ROS2 Foxy, works in later ROS2 versions (tested up to ROS2 Jazzy).
pip install rosros
This will make the rosros
library available to Python packages.
Requires ROS Python packages (ROS1: rospy, roslib, rosbag, rosservice, genpy; ROS2: rclpy, rosidl_parser, rosidl_runtime_py, ament_index_python, builtin_interfaces).
In a ROS1 workspace, under the source directory:
git clone
cd rosros
catkin build --this
This will make the rosros
library available in the ROS1 workspace.
In a ROS2 workspace, at the workspace root:
git clone src/rosros
colcon build --packages-select rosros
This will make the rosros
library available in the ROS2 workspace.
catkin test rosros
colcon test --packages-select rosros
To run ROS2 tests with full log output:
colcon test --packages-select rosros --event-handlers console_direct+ \
--pytest-args "--capture=tee-sys"
Using pytest, either ROS1 or ROS2 (roscore needs to be running if ROS1):
cd rosros
- pyyaml (
- genpy
- rosbag
- roslib
- rospy
- rosservice
- ament_index_python
- builtin_interfaces
- rclpy
- rosidl_parser
- rosidl_runtime_py
ROS2 test dependencies:
- pytest (
- pytest-forked (
For generating API documentation:
- doxypypy (;
needs latest master:
pip install git+
This package includes partially copied and modified code from rclpy
core library,
released under the Apache-2.0 license.
See doc/3rd-party licenses.txt for full details.
Copyright (c) 2022 by Erki Suurjaak. Released as free open source software under the BSD License, see for full details.