In order to build this package one need various complexe codes:
- Humanoid Path Planneur
- Agimus software
- Croccodyl
All of these are built in a single docker:
One can simply use this package in order to use the docker in the VSCode development editor.
We use the Humnaoid Path Planner in order to get a path and then build a whole-body model predictive controller that tracks the planned trajectory.
Once the code is built one can run these in several terminals inside the docker:
- run the script:
- with python3:
python3 -i -m agimus_controller.main.main_hpp_mpc -N=1
- with ipython3:
ipython3 -i -m agimus_controller.main.main_hpp_mpc -- -N=1
- with python3:
For one to simply run the node individually.
rosrun agimus_controller agimus_controller_node
roslaunch agimus_controller hpp_agimus_controller.launch
For a more complete setup see the package.
Start gazebo:
$ hppcorbaserver
$ gepetto-gui
$ roslaunch panda_torque_mpc simulation.launch arm_id:=panda simulate_camera:=false
$ roslaunch panda_torque_mpc obstacle_visualizer.launch spawn_in_gz:=true
$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun agimus_controller hpp_agimus_controller_node