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Tobias Steiner edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 10 revisions

The Thoth Metadata Export API allows third parties to query the Thoth database and extract records in a variety of metadata formats. The API currently allows three types of queries, into formats, specifications, and platforms.

Formats are general metadata formats such as ONIX 3.0 or KBART. Specifications are specific flavors of these formats tailered to the specifications of different Platforms such as OAPEN and Project Muse.

There are two functionalities that may directly useful for publishers keeping their metadata records in Thoth.

Get a publisher's metadata record

Under the menu item Get a publisher's metadata record you can generate a stable URL that will always point to a file containing the publisher's metadata record in a specified specification of a format.

In order to generate this link, fill in two parameters:

  • specification_id: this parameter refers to the format specification in which the metadata record is expressed. To select a specification_id, click TRY under List supported specifications and copy the value between quote marks listed after id, for example, onix_3.0::project_muse.
  • publisher_id: this is the unique ID of the publisher. To find the publisher_id, enter the Admin section of Thoth, go to the list of Publishers, and copy the ID. For example, punctum books has the unique id 9c41b13c-cecc-4f6a-a151-be4682915ef5.

After filling in both parameters, click TRY. With ONIX records, there will be an error message Response Status: (CORS or Network Issue) but do not panic. This error is caused by the fact that the query doesn't return text, but a file. Click on the tab CURL and copy the URL from there. Pasting this URL in your browser window should download the pertinent metadata file.

Get a work's metadata record

The same procedure as getting a publisher's metadata record. Instead of publisher_id, you'll need a work_id. To find the work_id, enter the Admin section of Thoth, go to the list of Works, and copy the ID. For example, A Boy Asleep under the Sun has the unique id 5402ea62-7a1b-48b4-b5fb-7b114c04bc27.

Alternatively, you may obtain a work_id from the GraphQL API.


Per-Publisher MARC records

These MARC record files can be used by libraries to integrate a publisher's whole catalogue of books into their library management systems. _Please note that other formats are also available, and the export API's endpoint can also be used to directly pull relevant records from Thoth into your respective Library Management System.


BibTeX (to import a publisher's catalogue e.g. in Zotero)

Other formats such as JSON or KBART also available, don't hesitate to get in touch via [email protected]

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