Project mapKnight created by two german students is a sidescroller with rpg-elements. It is going to use Map API's to detect the users current position and change the map theme by his current terrain.
!!! 13.06.2015 !!!
improved the camerafollow script
improved the hitbox-creation-algorythm
added a function to load the mapcollusions from the map it self
created a platform texture
!!! 14.06.2015 !!!
coded the platform
implemented a function to recognize the current ground type
implemented the android immersive mode
added a background to the game
added a life and mana display
improved the map
!!! 19.06.2015 !!!
completed the interface
improved the rendering
improved the creation of the characters collusion body
added a slide-on-a-wall function to the character
implemented the jumppad
!!! 20.06.2015 !!!
implemented a doublejump mechanic
added the walljump
improved the UI
- added a main menu
improved the android immersive mode
!!! 21.06.2015 !!!
added a new way to control the character ( by buttons )
added an optionwindow
- customizable control types
implemented a function allowing the mapcreator to define platform- and jumppadposition in the map itself
removed a bug causing the doublejump to disable while standing on a platform
improved the SQL-data algorythm
!!! 22.06.2015 !!!
improved the walljump
improved the platform-from-map-loading-algorythm
many little changes
!!! 23.06.2015 !!!
- improved the map
!!! 24.06.2015 !!!
- slightly added some particles
!!! 25.06.2015 !!!
- changed the texture of the jumppad
!!! 27.06.2015 !!!
done grafical work on the jumppad
added a real walljump
added a loadingscreen
changed gameplay mechanics (walljump => wallclimb)
changed the jumpmechanik
changed some textures
changed the map
changed the UI
!!! 28.06.2015 !!!
added a new charactermodel with custom movement animations
added a chest
added a function to change tiles while runtime
changed the "CocosSharp" Version tp
changed the UI
changed parts of the map
balanced some gameplay things
improved the walljump
!!! 30.06.2015 !!!
- implementation of a System to save data in
- a SQLDatabase
- a DataFile
- code (useless since 09.07.2015)
!!! 01.07.2015 !!!
- changed the Character Animations
!!! 02.07.2015 !!!
changed the Camera Follow
changed the Interface
improved the characters animations
!!! 03.07.2015 !!!
added a clickable Chest to the Game
changed the way touches are recognized
!!! 05.07.2015 !!! Running into the HotAndHotter Alpha Version! :D What will it bring to the game? The Answer is an Inventory with many items such like potions, armors (which also effect the players look), weapons and a crafting-system and probably some network stuff(bluetooth for example).
implemented an Inventory Container
implemented a Icon to the interface which acts like a drop down menu to use your selected potions
implemented some interfaces and enumerations
implemented characterattributes
fixed a bug which causes the character not to change the animation while faling
!!! 09.07.2015 !!!
added custom armors with different look and attributes to the game
changed the gamefont ( now == )
!!! 26.07.2015 !!!
added custom build properties
added custom vertices to the box2d<->map parser
poorly added logging
updated some packages
fixed some performance issues
fixed some bugs causing the app to lag
!!! 16.09.2015 !!!
added basic GooglePlay support
added advanced XML support
fixed a bug causing the app not to exit when the back key got pressed