Releases: trackreco/mkFit
Releases · trackreco/mkFit
New functionalities and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #383: release memory allocated for TrackCand vectors on every event / iteration, and avoid allocation of overlap hit-storage vector per seed;
- #385: reinitialize lower bound of dphi hit search windows per track, to avoid artificially/unnecessarily large search windows;
- #386: enlarge size of hit search windows to further increase hit multiplicity;
- #387: enable backward search for iterations seeded by pixel quadruplet seeds, tighten seed duplicate cleaning/merging parameters, and allow for up to 15 hits (4 bits) in seeding layers, to increase number of inner pixel hits and improve impact parameter resolution.
Additional notes:
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #381:
- enable backward search for iterations seeded by pixel triplets and pixel doublets (in response to;
- update hit selection windows, including backward search.
- #382: tighten candidate filter for pixelLessStep, after #381.
Additional notes:
- #381 corresponds to update of mkFit JSON configuration files.
Standalone specific:
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #370 : add counters of layers and hits to match CMSSW counting, including glued hits;
- #371 : correct transition-region pickup-layer for tobTecStep (mkFit is not enabled by default for tobTecStep);
- #372 : update mkFit seed partition function, to introduce tolerance for TID modules;
- #374 : add filter to remove candidates with not-well-defined covariance (addressing #373);
- #375 : introduce criterion for seed cleaning in pixel-seeded iterations, based on d0(BS);
- #376 : avoid export of missing hits;
- #377 : update duplicate cleaning for pixel-seeded iterations, and tighten detachedTripletStep filter (using #370);
- #379 : update filter for pixelLessStep (using #370).
Additional notes:
Standalone specific:
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
Additional notes:
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #355 : correct layer edges for layer spread in r (z) for barrel (endcap), for hit selection;
- #357 : tune candidate ranking at low pT;
- #359 : update quality filter for detachedTripletStep;
- #360 : stop track propagation before looping;
- #361 : apply (loose) cluster charge cut using track impact angle;
- #362 : cleanup configuration + add functionality for seeding region rebuilding (disabled).
Additional notes:
Standalone specific:
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
Additional notes:
Standalone specific:
- #333 : update axis range in standalone validation
- #342 : update bin files used for standalone validation to fill seed label with no requirement on the seed to have pixel hits
- #343 : update standalone dump of SiStrip quality DB information, now in the order they appear in the final vector instead of at the point of the insertion (to reflect trackreco/cmssw#40)
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #334 : fix 1/pT charge flip + improve numerical precision for high pT tracks (
- #335 : fix computation of uncertainty in r for hit selection in the endcap region (
- #336 : for backward propagation, add option to use track parameters after propagation to PCA (
- #339 : use finer binning for usage of SiStrip quality DB information (
- #340 : vary chi2 cut for hit selection as a function of layer, iteration, and track candidate kinematics, and add lower bound to dphi cut for hit search windows (
- #344 : update phi geometry boundaries for stereo detector layers, and add lower bound to dphi cut for hit search windows in transition region (
Additional notes:
- #340 is renaming one mkFit parameter (chi2Cut -> chi2Cut_min), which requires update of cms-data
- #329 Add Apache license 2.0
- standalone-specific:
- new functionality and updates in general physics algorithms
- #320 pixelPairStep addition
- #321 Merge hits from cleaned duplicate seeds into the remaining seed
- a significant increase in the number of pixel hits on tracks to much closer values as CKF/CMSSW
- #319 Account for dead strip modules
- this is made optional in #332
- #324 TrackState conversions from/to GlbCurvilinear to/from CCS (mkFit internal) parameterization
- a significant recovery in efficiency at high pt
- #330 bugfix in TrackState conversions from/to GlbCurvilinear
- #326 Fix charge flip for STD track building option
- STD and CE now give very similar results again. (CE is the default building option)
- #322 duplicate removal updated for iterations (except pixelless and tobtec)
- the efficiencies are still better or comparable to CMSSW with lower duplicate rates and slightly lower fake rates.
- #331 adjust dupl. cleaning for pixel pair iteration
- #332 FPE hunt side fixes + dead modules made optional
V3.0.1-1: multi-iter ready for use in CMSSW
- Refactor Matrix.h include to provide lighter includes for a cleaner build
now clones and returns a uniq_ptr- A new minor version is added due to minor interface change.