This package provides a modified version of the PX4 source code for the Snapdragon platform. For the moment it is only applicable for Snapdragon with official ESC but updates on the process with off the shell ESC are coming.
This package is to be compiled on a linux machine and will then be pushed on the snapdragon via adb or ssh.
Some basics dependencies have to be install on your LINUX host system.
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-argparse git-core wget zip \
python-empy qtcreator cmake build-essential genromfs -y
Only Ubuntu 14.04, this have to be done:
# repository for openjdk8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
#lxml for Python headers when installing pandas and jinja2
sudo apt-get build-dep python-lxml
Finally :
# simulation tools
sudo apt-get install ant protobuf-compiler libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre clang-3.5 lldb-3.5 -y
# required python packages
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo -H pip install pandas jinja2
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot fakechroot fakeroot unzip xz-utils wget python python-empy -y
These instuctions describe the default installation proceedure for the Hexagon SDK and Tools. The packages will be installed to /Qualcomm. The top working dir is assumed to be the user home directory (), and downloads are assumed to be in ~/Downloads for simplicity.
First, Download these files:
+++Hexagon SDK 3.0 for Linux.You will have to use a browser as it requires QDN registration and a click through.
+++[Flight_3.1.3_qrlSDK , Flight_X.X.X_JFlash , qcom_flight_controller_hexagon_sdk_add_on] ( You will need a login that you will be asked to request on the intrynsic website and which is based on the unique ID of your snapdragon board.
Clone the following:
git clone
Copy Hexagon SDK 3.0 for Linux, qrlSDK to the downloads dir of cross_toolchain cloned
cp ~/Downloads/{name of file downloaded, eg. qualcomm_hexagon_sdk_lnx_3_0_eval.bin, Flight_3.1.3_qrlSDK} cross_toolchain/downloads
Now run the install script
cd cross_toolchain
./ --APQ8074 --arm-gcc --qrlSDK
The script will prompt you to optionally update the default installation path ${HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME} and uses the following environment variables for the installation. Assuming you select the default install path of ${HOME} the environment settings would be ### (Possible Fix on Qualcomm/qrlinux_v4_sysroot HERE ) ### :
echo "export HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME=${HOME}" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT=${HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME}/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.0" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HEXAGON_TOOLS_ROOT=${HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME}/Qualcomm/HEXAGON_Tools/7.2.12/Tools" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HEXAGON_ARM_SYSROOT=${HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME}/Qualcomm/qrlinux_v4_sysroot/merged-rootfs" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ARM_CROSS_GCC_ROOT=${HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME}/Qualcomm/ARM_Tools/gcc-4.9-2014.11" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Make sure these variables are set when building code using the Hexagon SDK and Hexagon Tools. Finally decompress the FC_ADDON supposing you downloaded :
mkdir hexagon_add_on && cd hexagon_add_on
unzip ~/Downloads/
echo "export FC_ADDON=$HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME/Qualcomm/hexagon_add_on" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Flashing the Linux image will erase everything on the Snapdragon. Back up your work before you perform this step! Make sure the board can be found using adb:
adb devices
Then, reboot it into the fastboot bootloader:
adb reboot bootloader
Unzip the downloaded from Intrynsic. For instance :
cd ~/Downloads
cd flight_3.1.2
Load this file locally :
adb pull /usr/local/qr-linux/
Edit it :
Comment out the while loopS causing boot to hang:
# Wait for adsp.mdt to show up
#while [ ! -s /lib/firmware/adsp.mdt ]; do
# sleep 0.1
# Don't leave until ADSP is up
#while [ "`cat /sys/kernel/debug/msm_subsys/adsp`" != "2" ]; do
# sleep 0.1
Finally push back the modyfied file :
adb push /usr/local/qr-linux/
adb shell chmod +x /usr/local/qr-linux/
Now just push the latest ADSP firmware files. You will need to go to the hexagon_add_on created earlier.
cd $HEXAGON_INSTALL_HOME/Qualcomm/hexagon_add_on
adb reboot
You can find instructions for setting WIFI HERE. For more details and Troubleshooting, Look HERE and [HERE] (
mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone
cd PX4_Snapdragon
git submodule update --init --recursive
make eagle_legacy_default
make eagle_legacy_default upload
adb push ROMFS/px4fmu_common/mixers/quad_x.main.mix /usr/share/data/adsp
adb push config_files/px4.config /usr/share/data/adsp
This supposed that the wifi have been configured ! Supposing that the quad IP is 192.168.1.X (ifconfig in adb shell)
password = linaro
sudo ./px4 mainapp.config
Now look at this repositories for OFFBOARD control.
The PX4 software and Pixhawk hardware (which has been designed for it) has been created in 2011 by Lorenz Meier.