Releases: ubc/iPeer
Releases · ubc/iPeer
Version 3.4.7
Version 3.3.3
- Fixed the problem of new users created with role=0 when importing groups with Canvas
- Fixed #596 import student number from Canvas sis_user_id
Version 3.2.0
- Fixed wrong score calculation when using rubric with zero mark enabled
- Validated Rubric and Mixeval form data
- Fixed #532 permission issue when re-add user
- Fixed empty email body when there is no special merge field
- Commented out volume mount for ipeer app docker image
- Fixed the permission issue in docker image
- Added docker instructions to readme
- Added image directive in docker-compose
- Added AWS deployment script
- Added a simple health endpoint
- Added deployment instruction/scripts for GCE
- Removed config dir and database writable checking
- More strict checking for env vars
- Updateed build.xml and travis.yml to use environment vars
- Set default Session.model value
- Added web container for static file serving
- Updated cake guard
- Used table to detect installation and refactor installation
- Added docker support
- Updated translation file
- Updated deployment script for travis
Release 3.1.8
- Fix #494 the incorrect timezone adjustment
- Remove result release date from survey event view
- Extract only model,view and controller for i18n, fix #508
- Fix the issue that no event listed when user has dual roles
- Allow partial submission for rubric eval
- Add composer
- Change criteria comment field in evaluation_rubric_details to text
- Fix wrong calculation in grade API
- Fix missing student in eval when he/she has non student role
This is a maintenance release.
- Fix #492, incorrect warning on editing event when there is no group changes
- Fix #498, v1_controller accounts for different role permissions in Connect and iPeer during add/update of user in iPeer
- Fix #499, if a FacultyAdmin teaches courses outside of their faculty (rare case), both sets of courses now appear in user's Home page and Courses page.
- Removed ‘Submission Confirmation’ email template
- Fixed sending email notification to that user that have their password reset
- Modified the wording to describe the penalty settings
This is a maintenance release. It fixes the following bugs:
- Fixed super administrators unable to see all courses in the system
- Added validation mechanisms to editing events
- Fixed cache directory not refreshing after upgrade scripts are run
- Fixed releasing comments to students
- Updated vagrant and puppet modules
- Fixed sending empty email reminders
- Fixed using the wrong names for email reminders
This is a maintenance release. It fixes the following bugs:
- Increase the script exec time on export action
- removed disabling edit group buttons when submissions have already
- added pseudo data for rubric view
- fixed broken link for adding survey questions when using
- added individual criterion comments to the rubric csv export
This is a maintenance release. It fixes the following bugs:
- Fix mixeval scale was incorrect rendered when upgrade 3.1
- Modified build script to run in Vagrant and Ticket #548
- Fix #557, filters are failed on lists on dreamhost
- Fix #542
- Update guard plugin
- Catch the exception with more information printed
- Fix mixeval result rendering error
- Fix #558, 404 when student submitting evaluation
- Refactor mixeval to use unified preview
- Refactor rubric form to show header in view page
- Fix #555, merge user search failed when installed on subdirectory
- Fix #554, confirm button on upgrade page on firefox
- Fix #556, use relative URL for css background image
- Fix #543 remove the criteria hint text from rubric
- Remove the orphan entries in mixeval_question_descs
- Fix missing Content-length in response of API call
- Fix API return 404 when no department is setup
- Fixed problem with exporting evaluation results to csv
- Fixed the inability to view students' survey