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Documentation for dragen-build-reference-tarball v4.2.4


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# yaml-language-server: $schema=

# enable cnv (Optional)
# Docs: For the DRAGEN CNV pipeline, the hashtable must be generated with the --enable-cnv option set to true,
# in addition to any other options required by other pipelines.
# When --enable-cnv is true, dragen generates an additional k-mer uniqueness map that the CNV algorithm uses to
# counteract mapability biases.
# The k-mer uniqueness map file only needs to be generated once per reference hashtable
# and takes about 1.5 hours per whole human genome.
enable_cnv: false

# ht alt aware validation (Optional)
# Docs: When building hash tables from a reference that contains ALT-contigs,
# building with a liftover file is required.
# To disable this requirement, set the --ht-alt-aware-validate option to false.
ht_alt_aware_validate: false

# ht alt aware liftover (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-alt-liftover option specifies the path to the liftover file to build an ALT-aware hash table.
# This option is required when building from a reference with ALT contigs.
# SAM liftover files for hg38DH and hg19 are provided in /opt/edico/liftover.

# For hg38 references, use bwa-kit_hs38DH_liftover.sam
# For hg19 references, use hg19_alt_liftover.sam
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht build hla hash table (Optional)
# Default value: True
# Docs: Used when --enable-hla is set to true for any given dragen workflow.
# This option must be used when running dragen workflows on hla data.
ht_build_hla_hashtable: true

# ht build rna hash table (Optional)
# Default value: True
# Docs: Used when --enable-rna is set to true for any given dragen workflow.
# This option must be used when running dragen workflows on rna data.
ht_build_rna_hashtable: true

# cost coefficient for hit frequency (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-cost-coeff-seed-freq option assigns the cost component for the difference between
# the target hit frequency and the number of hits populated for a single seed.
# Higher values result primarily in high-frequency seeds being extended further to bring their frequencies down
# toward the target.
ht_cost_coeff_seed_freq: string

# cost coefficient for seed length (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-cost-coeff-seed-len option assigns the cost component for each base by which a seed is extended.
# Additional bases are considered a cost because longer seeds risk overlapping variants or sequencing errors and
# losing their correct mappings. Higher values lead to shorter final seed extensions.
ht_cost_coeff_seed_len: string

# cost penalty for seed extension (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-cost-penalty option assigns a flat cost for extending beyond the primary seed length.
# A higher value results in fewer seeds being extended at all.
# Current testing shows that zero (0) is appropriate for this parameter.
ht_cost_penalty: string

# cost increment for extension step (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-cost-penalty-incr option assigns a recurring cost for each incremental seed extension step
# taken from primary to final extended seed length.
# More steps are considered a higher cost because extending in many small steps requires
# more hash table space for intermediate EXTEND records,
# and takes substantially more run time to execute the extensions.
# A higher value results in seed extension trees with fewer nodes,
# reaching from the root primary seed length to leaf extended seed lengths in fewer, larger steps.
ht_cost_penalty_incr: string

# ht decoys path (Optional)
# Docs: The DRAGEN software automatically detects the use of hg19 and hg38 references and
# adds decoys to the hash table when they are not found in the FASTA file.
# Use the --ht-decoys option to specify the path to a decoys file.
# The default is /opt/edico/liftover/hs_decoys.fa.
ht_decoys: string

# ht mask bed (Optional)
# Docs: Specifies the BED file for base masking.
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht max dec factor (Optional)
# Docs: Seed thinning is an experimental technique to improve mapping performance in high-frequency regions.
# When primary seeds have higher frequency than the cap indicated by the --ht-soft-seed-freq-cap option,
# only a fraction of seed positions are populated to stay under the cap.

# The --ht-max-dec-factor option specifies a maximum factor by which seeds can be thinned.

# For example, --ht-max-dec-factor 3 retains at least 1/3 of the original seeds. --ht-max-dec-factor 1
# disables any thinning.

# Seeds are decimated in careful patterns to prevent leaving any long gaps unpopulated.

# The idea is that seed thinning can achieve mapped seed coverage in high frequency reference regions
# where the maximum hit frequency would otherwise have been exceeded.

# Seed thinning can also keep seed extensions shorter, which is also good for successful mapping.
# Based on testing to date, seed thinning has not proven to be superior to other accuracy optimization methods.
ht_max_dec_factor: string

# ht maximum seed length (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-max-ext-seed-len option limits the length of extended seeds populated into the hash table.
# Primary seeds (length specified by --ht-seed-len) that match many reference positions can be extended
# to achieve more unique matching, which may be required to map seeds within the maximum hit frequency
# (--ht-max-seed-freq).
# Given a primary seed length k, the maximum seed length can be configured between k and k+128.
# The default is the upper bound, k+128.
ht_max_ext_seed_len: string

# ht maximum hit frequency (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-max-seed-freq option sets a firm limit on the number of seed hits (reference genome locations)
# that can be populated for any primary or extended seed.

# If a given primary seed maps to more reference positions than this limit,
# it must be extended long enough that the extended seeds subdivide into smaller groups of identical
# seeds under the limit. If, even at the maximum extended seed length (--ht-max-ext-seed-len),
# a group of identical reference seeds is larger than this limit,
# their reference positions are not populated into the hash table.
# Instead, dragen populates a single High Frequency record.
# The maximum hit frequency can be configured from 1 to 256.
# However, if this value is too low, hash table construction can fail because too many seed extensions are needed.
# The practical minimum for a whole human genome reference, other options being default, is 8.
ht_max_seed_freq: string

# ht max table chunks (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-max-table-chunks option controls the memory footprint during hash table construction by
# limiting the number of ~1 GB hash table chunks that reside in memory simultaneously.
# Each additional chunk consumes roughly twice its size (~2 GB) in system memory during construction.

# The hash table is divided into power-of-two independent chunks, of a fixed chunk size, X,
# which depends on the hash table size, in the range 0.5 GB < X ≤ 1 GB.

# For example, a 24 GB hash table contains 32 independent 0.75 GB chunks that can be constructed by parallel
# threads with enough memory and a 16 GB hash table contains 16 independent 1 GB chunks.

# The default is --ht-max-table-chunks equal to --ht-num-threads,
# but with a minimum default --ht-max-table-chunks of 8.

# It makes sense to have these two options match, because building one hash table chunk requires one chunk space
# in memory and one thread to work on it. Nevertheless, there are build-speed advantages to
# raising --ht-max-table-chunks higher than --ht-num-threads, or to raising --ht-num-threads higher
# than --ht-max-table-chunks.

# For example, the DRAGEN servers contain 24 cores that have hyperthreading enabled,
# so a value of 32 should be used. When using a higher value, adjust --ht-max-table-chunks needs to be adjusted
# as well. The servers have 128 GB of memory available.
ht_max_table_chunks: string

# ht mem limit (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-mem-limit option controls the generated hash table size by specifying the DRAGEN board memory available
# for both the hash table and the encoded reference genome.
# The ‑‑ht‑mem-limit option defaults to 32 GB when the reference genome approaches WHG size,
# or to a generous size for smaller references. Normally there is little reason to override these defaults.
ht_mem_limit: string

# ht methylated (Optional)
# Docs: DRAGEN methylation runs require building a special pair of hash tables with reference bases
# converted from C->T for one table, and G->A for the other.
# When running the hash table generation with the --ht-methylated option, these conversions are done automatically,
# and the converted hash tables are generated in a pair of subdirectories of the target directory
# specified with --output-directory.
# The subdirectories are named CT_converted and GA_converted, corresponding to the automatic base conversions.
# When using these hash tables for methylated alignment runs, refer to the original --output-directory and not
# to either of the automatically generated subdirectories.
ht_methylated: false

# ht num threads (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-num-threads option determines the maximum number of worker CPU threads that are
# used to speed up hash table construction.
# The default for this option is 8, with a maximum of 32 threads allowed.
# If your server supports execution of more threads, it is recommended that you use the maximum.
ht_num_threads: string

# ht population alternate contigs (Optional)
# Docs: Specifies the path to the reference FASTA file with population alternate contigs.
# The standard reference FASTA is augmented with the population alternate contigs during hash table build.
# The population alternate contigs file must have a corresponding liftover SAM file.
# A population alternate contig file for hg38 reference is provided in /opt/edico/liftover (pop_altContig.fa.gz).
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht population alternate liftover (Optional)
# Docs: Specifies the path to the liftover file for the population alternate contigs.
# The liftover SAM file must have a corresponding population alternate contigs FASTA.
# A population alternate contig SAM liftover file for hg38 reference is provided in /opt/edico/liftover
# (pop_liftover.sam.gz).
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht population snps (Optional)
# Docs: Specifies the path to a VCF file containing unphased population SNPs.
# The standard reference FASTA is augmented with these SNPs as multibase codes during mapping-aligning.
# Each SNP entry in the VCF only requires the CHROM, POS, REF, ALT columns.
# The ALT column can have multiple comma-separated population SNP VCF for hg38 reference is
# provided in /opt/edico/liftover (pop_snps.vcf.gz).
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht rand hit extend (Optional)
# Docs: Whenever a HIFREQ or EXTEND record is populated into the hash table, it stands in place of a
# large set of reference hits for a certain seed.
# Optionally, the hash table builder can choose a random representative of that set,
# and populate that HIT record alongside the HIFREQ or EXTEND record.

# Random sample hits provide alternative alignments that are very useful in estimating MAPQ accurately
# for the alignments that are reported.

# They are never used outside of this context for reporting alignment positions,
# because that would result in biased coverage of locations that happened to be selected
# during hash table construction.

# To include a sample hit, set --ht-rand-hit-hifreq to 1.
# The --ht-rand-hit-extend option is a minimum pre-extension hit count to include a sample hit, or zero to disable.
# Modifying these options is not recommended.
ht_rand_hit_extend: string

# ht random hit hifreq (Optional)
# Docs: Whenever a HIFREQ or EXTEND record is populated into the hash table, it stands in place of a
# large set of reference hits for a certain seed.
# Optionally, the hash table builder can choose a random representative of that set,
# and populate that HIT record alongside the HIFREQ or EXTEND record.

# Random sample hits provide alternative alignments that are very useful in estimating MAPQ accurately
# for the alignments that are reported.

# They are never used outside of this context for reporting alignment positions,
# because that would result in biased coverage of locations that happened to be selected
# during hash table construction.

# To include a sample hit, set --ht-rand-hit-hifreq to 1.
# The --ht-rand-hit-extend option is a minimum pre-extension hit count to include a sample hit, or zero to disable.
# Modifying these options is not recommended.
ht_rand_hit_hifreq: string

# ht reference seed interval (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-ref-seed-interval option defines the step size between positions of seeds in the reference
# genome populated into the hash table.

# An interval of 1 (default) means that every seed position is populated, 2 means 50% of positions are populated,
# etc. Noninteger values are supported, eg, 2.5 yields 40% populated.

# Seeds from a whole human reference are easily 100% populated with 32 GB memory on DRAGEN boards.
# If a substantially larger reference genome is used, change this option
ht_ref_seed_interval: string

# ht reference (Required)
# Docs: Reference fasta file
  class: File
  location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file

# ht primary seed length (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-seed-len option specifies the initial length in nucleotides
# of seeds from the reference genome to populate into the hash table.

# At run time, the mapper extracts seeds of this same length from each read,
# and looks for exact matches (unless seed editing is enabled) in the hash table.

# The maximum primary seed length is a function of hash table size.
# The limit is k=27 for table sizes from 16 GB to 64 GB, covering typical sizes for whole human genome,
# or k=26 for sizes from 4 GB to 16 GB.

# The minimum primary seed length depends mainly on the reference genome size and complexity.
# It needs to be long enough to resolve most reference positions uniquely.
# For whole human genome references, hash table construction typically fails with k < 16.
# The lower bound may be smaller for shorter genomes, or higher for less complex (more repetitive) genomes.
# The uniqueness threshold of --ht-seed-len 16 for the 3.1Gbp human
# genome can be understood intuitively because log4(3.1 G) ≈ 16,
# so it requires at least 16 choices from 4 nucleotides to distinguish 3.1 G reference positions.
ht_seed_len: string

# ht size (Optional)
# Docs: This option specifies the hash table size to generate,
# rather than calculating an appropriate table size from the reference genome size
# and the available memory (option --ht-mem-limit).
# Using default table sizing is recommended and using --ht-mem-limit is the next best choice.
ht_size: string

# ht soft seed frequency cap (Optional)
# Docs: Seed thinning is an experimental technique to improve mapping performance in high-frequency regions.
# When primary seeds have higher frequency than the cap indicated by the --ht-soft-seed-freq-cap option,
# only a fraction of seed positions are populated to stay under the cap.

# The --ht-max-dec-factor option specifies a maximum factor by which seeds can be thinned.

# For example, --ht-max-dec-factor 3 retains at least 1/3 of the original seeds. --ht-max-dec-factor 1
# disables any thinning.

# Seeds are decimated in careful patterns to prevent leaving any long gaps unpopulated.

# The idea is that seed thinning can achieve mapped seed coverage in high frequency reference regions
# where the maximum hit frequency would otherwise have been exceeded.

# Seed thinning can also keep seed extensions shorter, which is also good for successful mapping.
# Based on testing to date, seed thinning has not proven to be superior to other accuracy optimization methods.
ht_soft_seed_freq_cap: string

# ht suppress decoys (Optional)
# Docs: Use the --ht-suppress-decoys option to suppress the use of the decoys file when building the hash table.
ht_suppress_decoys: false

# target hit frequency (Optional)
# Docs: The --ht-target-seed-freq option defines the ideal number of hits per seed for which seed extension should aim.
# Higher values lead to fewer and shorter final seed extensions, because shorter seeds tend to match more reference
# positions.
ht_target_seed_freq: string

# output directory (Required)
# Docs: The name of the dragen output directory.
# The output tarball will be this plus ".tar.gz"
output_directory: string


Click to expand!
    "enable_cnv": false,
    "ht_alt_aware_validate": false,
    "ht_alt_liftover": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_build_hla_hashtable": true,
    "ht_build_rna_hashtable": true,
    "ht_cost_coeff_seed_freq": "string",
    "ht_cost_coeff_seed_len": "string",
    "ht_cost_penalty": "string",
    "ht_cost_penalty_incr": "string",
    "ht_decoys": "string",
    "ht_mask_bed": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_max_dec_factor": "string",
    "ht_max_ext_seed_len": "string",
    "ht_max_seed_freq": "string",
    "ht_max_table_chunks": "string",
    "ht_mem_limit": "string",
    "ht_methylated": false,
    "ht_num_threads": "string",
    "ht_pop_alt_contigs": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_pop_alt_liftover": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_pop_snps": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_rand_hit_extend": "string",
    "ht_rand_hit_hifreq": "string",
    "ht_ref_seed_interval": "string",
    "ht_reference": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
    "ht_seed_len": "string",
    "ht_size": "string",
    "ht_soft_seed_freq_cap": "string",
    "ht_suppress_decoys": false,
    "ht_target_seed_freq": "string",
    "output_directory": "string"

Outputs Template

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    "dragen_reference_tar": {
        "class": "File",
        "location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"

Overrides Template

Zipped workflow

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Packed workflow

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enable cnv

ID: enable_cnv

Optional: True
Type: boolean
For the DRAGEN CNV pipeline, the hashtable must be generated with the --enable-cnv option set to true,
in addition to any other options required by other pipelines.
When --enable-cnv is true, dragen generates an additional k-mer uniqueness map that the CNV algorithm uses to
counteract mapability biases.
The k-mer uniqueness map file only needs to be generated once per reference hashtable
and takes about 1.5 hours per whole human genome.

ht alt aware validation

ID: ht_alt_aware_validate

Optional: True
Type: boolean
When building hash tables from a reference that contains ALT-contigs,
building with a liftover file is required.
To disable this requirement, set the --ht-alt-aware-validate option to false.

ht alt aware liftover

ID: ht_alt_liftover

Optional: True
Type: ['File', <cwl_utils.parser.cwl_v1_1.InputEnumSchema object at 0x7f48b2b63380>]
The --ht-alt-liftover option specifies the path to the liftover file to build an ALT-aware hash table.
This option is required when building from a reference with ALT contigs.
SAM liftover files for hg38DH and hg19 are provided in /opt/edico/liftover.

For hg38 references, use bwa-kit_hs38DH_liftover.sam
For hg19 references, use hg19_alt_liftover.sam

ht build hla hash table

ID: ht_build_hla_hashtable

Optional: True
Type: boolean
Used when --enable-hla is set to true for any given dragen workflow.
This option must be used when running dragen workflows on hla data.

ht build rna hash table

ID: ht_build_rna_hashtable

Optional: True
Type: boolean
Used when --enable-rna is set to true for any given dragen workflow.
This option must be used when running dragen workflows on rna data.

cost coefficient for hit frequency

ID: ht_cost_coeff_seed_freq

Optional: True
Type: float
The --ht-cost-coeff-seed-freq option assigns the cost component for the difference between
the target hit frequency and the number of hits populated for a single seed.
Higher values result primarily in high-frequency seeds being extended further to bring their frequencies down
toward the target.

cost coefficient for seed length

ID: ht_cost_coeff_seed_len

Optional: True
Type: float
The --ht-cost-coeff-seed-len option assigns the cost component for each base by which a seed is extended.
Additional bases are considered a cost because longer seeds risk overlapping variants or sequencing errors and
losing their correct mappings. Higher values lead to shorter final seed extensions.

cost penalty for seed extension

ID: ht_cost_penalty

Optional: True
Type: float
The --ht-cost-penalty option assigns a flat cost for extending beyond the primary seed length.
A higher value results in fewer seeds being extended at all.
Current testing shows that zero (0) is appropriate for this parameter.

cost increment for extension step

ID: ht_cost_penalty_incr

Optional: True
Type: float
The --ht-cost-penalty-incr option assigns a recurring cost for each incremental seed extension step
taken from primary to final extended seed length.
More steps are considered a higher cost because extending in many small steps requires
more hash table space for intermediate EXTEND records,
and takes substantially more run time to execute the extensions.
A higher value results in seed extension trees with fewer nodes,
reaching from the root primary seed length to leaf extended seed lengths in fewer, larger steps.

ht decoys path

ID: ht_decoys

Optional: True
Type: string
The DRAGEN software automatically detects the use of hg19 and hg38 references and
adds decoys to the hash table when they are not found in the FASTA file.
Use the --ht-decoys option to specify the path to a decoys file.
The default is /opt/edico/liftover/hs_decoys.fa.

ht mask bed

ID: ht_mask_bed

Optional: True
Type: ['File', <cwl_utils.parser.cwl_v1_1.InputEnumSchema object at 0x7f48b2b6fd90>]
Specifies the BED file for base masking.

ht max dec factor

ID: ht_max_dec_factor

Optional: True
Type: float
Seed thinning is an experimental technique to improve mapping performance in high-frequency regions.
When primary seeds have higher frequency than the cap indicated by the --ht-soft-seed-freq-cap option,
only a fraction of seed positions are populated to stay under the cap.

The --ht-max-dec-factor option specifies a maximum factor by which seeds can be thinned.

For example, --ht-max-dec-factor 3 retains at least 1/3 of the original seeds. --ht-max-dec-factor 1
disables any thinning.

Seeds are decimated in careful patterns to prevent leaving any long gaps unpopulated.

The idea is that seed thinning can achieve mapped seed coverage in high frequency reference regions
where the maximum hit frequency would otherwise have been exceeded.

Seed thinning can also keep seed extensions shorter, which is also good for successful mapping.
Based on testing to date, seed thinning has not proven to be superior to other accuracy optimization methods.

ht maximum seed length

ID: ht_max_ext_seed_len

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-max-ext-seed-len option limits the length of extended seeds populated into the hash table.
Primary seeds (length specified by --ht-seed-len) that match many reference positions can be extended
to achieve more unique matching, which may be required to map seeds within the maximum hit frequency
Given a primary seed length k, the maximum seed length can be configured between k and k+128.
The default is the upper bound, k+128.

ht maximum hit frequency

ID: ht_max_seed_freq

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-max-seed-freq option sets a firm limit on the number of seed hits (reference genome locations)
that can be populated for any primary or extended seed.

If a given primary seed maps to more reference positions than this limit,
it must be extended long enough that the extended seeds subdivide into smaller groups of identical
seeds under the limit. If, even at the maximum extended seed length (--ht-max-ext-seed-len),
a group of identical reference seeds is larger than this limit,
their reference positions are not populated into the hash table.
Instead, dragen populates a single High Frequency record.
The maximum hit frequency can be configured from 1 to 256.
However, if this value is too low, hash table construction can fail because too many seed extensions are needed.
The practical minimum for a whole human genome reference, other options being default, is 8.

ht max table chunks

ID: ht_max_table_chunks

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-max-table-chunks option controls the memory footprint during hash table construction by
limiting the number of ~1 GB hash table chunks that reside in memory simultaneously.
Each additional chunk consumes roughly twice its size (~2 GB) in system memory during construction.

The hash table is divided into power-of-two independent chunks, of a fixed chunk size, X,
which depends on the hash table size, in the range 0.5 GB < X ≤ 1 GB.

For example, a 24 GB hash table contains 32 independent 0.75 GB chunks that can be constructed by parallel
threads with enough memory and a 16 GB hash table contains 16 independent 1 GB chunks.

The default is --ht-max-table-chunks equal to --ht-num-threads,
but with a minimum default --ht-max-table-chunks of 8.

It makes sense to have these two options match, because building one hash table chunk requires one chunk space
in memory and one thread to work on it. Nevertheless, there are build-speed advantages to
raising --ht-max-table-chunks higher than --ht-num-threads, or to raising --ht-num-threads higher
than --ht-max-table-chunks.

For example, the DRAGEN servers contain 24 cores that have hyperthreading enabled,
so a value of 32 should be used. When using a higher value, adjust --ht-max-table-chunks needs to be adjusted
as well. The servers have 128 GB of memory available.

ht mem limit

ID: ht_mem_limit

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-mem-limit option controls the generated hash table size by specifying the DRAGEN board memory available
for both the hash table and the encoded reference genome.
The ‑‑ht‑mem-limit option defaults to 32 GB when the reference genome approaches WHG size,
or to a generous size for smaller references. Normally there is little reason to override these defaults.

ht methylated

ID: ht_methylated

Optional: True
Type: boolean
DRAGEN methylation runs require building a special pair of hash tables with reference bases
converted from C->T for one table, and G->A for the other.
When running the hash table generation with the --ht-methylated option, these conversions are done automatically,
and the converted hash tables are generated in a pair of subdirectories of the target directory
specified with --output-directory.
The subdirectories are named CT_converted and GA_converted, corresponding to the automatic base conversions.
When using these hash tables for methylated alignment runs, refer to the original --output-directory and not
to either of the automatically generated subdirectories.

ht num threads

ID: ht_num_threads

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-num-threads option determines the maximum number of worker CPU threads that are
used to speed up hash table construction.
The default for this option is 8, with a maximum of 32 threads allowed.
If your server supports execution of more threads, it is recommended that you use the maximum.

ht population alternate contigs

ID: ht_pop_alt_contigs

Optional: True
Type: File
Specifies the path to the reference FASTA file with population alternate contigs.
The standard reference FASTA is augmented with the population alternate contigs during hash table build.
The population alternate contigs file must have a corresponding liftover SAM file.
A population alternate contig file for hg38 reference is provided in /opt/edico/liftover (pop_altContig.fa.gz).

ht population alternate liftover

ID: ht_pop_alt_liftover

Optional: True
Type: File
Specifies the path to the liftover file for the population alternate contigs.
The liftover SAM file must have a corresponding population alternate contigs FASTA.
A population alternate contig SAM liftover file for hg38 reference is provided in /opt/edico/liftover

ht population snps

ID: ht_pop_snps

Optional: True
Type: File
Specifies the path to a VCF file containing unphased population SNPs.
The standard reference FASTA is augmented with these SNPs as multibase codes during mapping-aligning.
Each SNP entry in the VCF only requires the CHROM, POS, REF, ALT columns.
The ALT column can have multiple comma-separated population SNP VCF for hg38 reference is
provided in /opt/edico/liftover (pop_snps.vcf.gz).

ht rand hit extend

ID: ht_rand_hit_extend

Optional: True
Type: int
Whenever a HIFREQ or EXTEND record is populated into the hash table, it stands in place of a
large set of reference hits for a certain seed.
Optionally, the hash table builder can choose a random representative of that set,
and populate that HIT record alongside the HIFREQ or EXTEND record.

Random sample hits provide alternative alignments that are very useful in estimating MAPQ accurately
for the alignments that are reported.

They are never used outside of this context for reporting alignment positions,
because that would result in biased coverage of locations that happened to be selected
during hash table construction.

To include a sample hit, set --ht-rand-hit-hifreq to 1.
The --ht-rand-hit-extend option is a minimum pre-extension hit count to include a sample hit, or zero to disable.
Modifying these options is not recommended.

ht random hit hifreq

ID: ht_rand_hit_hifreq

Optional: True
Type: int
Whenever a HIFREQ or EXTEND record is populated into the hash table, it stands in place of a
large set of reference hits for a certain seed.
Optionally, the hash table builder can choose a random representative of that set,
and populate that HIT record alongside the HIFREQ or EXTEND record.

Random sample hits provide alternative alignments that are very useful in estimating MAPQ accurately
for the alignments that are reported.

They are never used outside of this context for reporting alignment positions,
because that would result in biased coverage of locations that happened to be selected
during hash table construction.

To include a sample hit, set --ht-rand-hit-hifreq to 1.
The --ht-rand-hit-extend option is a minimum pre-extension hit count to include a sample hit, or zero to disable.
Modifying these options is not recommended.

ht reference seed interval

ID: ht_ref_seed_interval

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-ref-seed-interval option defines the step size between positions of seeds in the reference
genome populated into the hash table.

An interval of 1 (default) means that every seed position is populated, 2 means 50% of positions are populated,
etc. Noninteger values are supported, eg, 2.5 yields 40% populated.

Seeds from a whole human reference are easily 100% populated with 32 GB memory on DRAGEN boards.
If a substantially larger reference genome is used, change this option

ht reference

ID: ht_reference

Optional: False
Type: File
Reference fasta file

ht primary seed length

ID: ht_seed_len

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-seed-len option specifies the initial length in nucleotides
of seeds from the reference genome to populate into the hash table.

At run time, the mapper extracts seeds of this same length from each read,
and looks for exact matches (unless seed editing is enabled) in the hash table.

The maximum primary seed length is a function of hash table size.
The limit is k=27 for table sizes from 16 GB to 64 GB, covering typical sizes for whole human genome,
or k=26 for sizes from 4 GB to 16 GB.

The minimum primary seed length depends mainly on the reference genome size and complexity.
It needs to be long enough to resolve most reference positions uniquely.
For whole human genome references, hash table construction typically fails with k < 16.
The lower bound may be smaller for shorter genomes, or higher for less complex (more repetitive) genomes.
The uniqueness threshold of --ht-seed-len 16 for the 3.1Gbp human
genome can be understood intuitively because log4(3.1 G) ≈ 16,
so it requires at least 16 choices from 4 nucleotides to distinguish 3.1 G reference positions.

ht size

ID: ht_size

Optional: True
Type: int
This option specifies the hash table size to generate,
rather than calculating an appropriate table size from the reference genome size
and the available memory (option --ht-mem-limit).
Using default table sizing is recommended and using --ht-mem-limit is the next best choice.

ht soft seed frequency cap

ID: ht_soft_seed_freq_cap

Optional: True
Type: float
Seed thinning is an experimental technique to improve mapping performance in high-frequency regions.
When primary seeds have higher frequency than the cap indicated by the --ht-soft-seed-freq-cap option,
only a fraction of seed positions are populated to stay under the cap.

The --ht-max-dec-factor option specifies a maximum factor by which seeds can be thinned.

For example, --ht-max-dec-factor 3 retains at least 1/3 of the original seeds. --ht-max-dec-factor 1
disables any thinning.

Seeds are decimated in careful patterns to prevent leaving any long gaps unpopulated.

The idea is that seed thinning can achieve mapped seed coverage in high frequency reference regions
where the maximum hit frequency would otherwise have been exceeded.

Seed thinning can also keep seed extensions shorter, which is also good for successful mapping.
Based on testing to date, seed thinning has not proven to be superior to other accuracy optimization methods.

ht suppress decoys

ID: ht_suppress_decoys

Optional: True
Type: boolean
Use the --ht-suppress-decoys option to suppress the use of the decoys file when building the hash table.

target hit frequency

ID: ht_target_seed_freq

Optional: True
Type: int
The --ht-target-seed-freq option defines the ideal number of hits per seed for which seed extension should aim.
Higher values lead to fewer and shorter final seed extensions, because shorter seeds tend to match more reference

output directory

ID: output_directory

Optional: False
Type: string
The name of the dragen output directory.
The output tarball will be this plus ".tar.gz"


Click to expand!

dragen build reference tarball step

ID: dragen-build-reference-tarball--4.2.4/dragen_build_reference_tarball_step

Step Type: tool

Step to build the dragen reference tarball


Click to expand!

dragen reference tar

ID: dragen-build-reference-tarball--4.2.4/dragen_reference_tar

Optional: False
Output Type: File
Output tarball containing the reference data