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WZDx Specification Amendment Process

Mahsa-Ettefagh edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

latest updates as of 02052020

The Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Specification is an open data specification that is updated and maintained by both the Work Zone Data Working Group (WZDWG) and its respective WZDx Specification Update Subgroup. The WZDx Specification Update Subgroup, whose membership is representative of both the publishers and users of work zone (specifically WZDx) data, works to iteratively update the WZDx specification in order to enable new capabilities.

The WZDWG has established the following steps to guide the WZDx Specification amendment process:

  1. Create a git branch with all relevant specification changes or new business rules as commits.
  2. Create a pull request. Pull requests must contain an extended description of the patch. The creator of the pull request becomes the advocate for that request.
  3. Once a pull request is opened, its advocate must announce it by emailing the [email protected], including a link to the pull request.
  4. Once a pull request is opened, its advocate must announce it by emailing the [email protected].
    • Discussion on a given pull request will last for as long as the advocate feels is necessary but with a minimum duration of seven (7) calendar days.
    • The advocate is responsible for timely updates of the pull request in accordance with their consensus around the comments that are expressed by others.
    • The advocate can mark the pull request as ‘abandoned’ at any point in time/during the process.
  5. Following the minimum time interval required for discussion and a detailed technical review by the Specification Update Subgroup Co-Chairs, the subgroup co-chairs may add it to the list of pull requests to be presented during the semi-annual WZDWG meeting for review, voting, and potential inclusion in the next version of the WZDx Specification.
    • Only one vote per each voting organization will be accepted on each of the pull requests put forth for the WZDWG to review.
    • Voting will be held via Doodle Poll, SurveyMonkey, or an analogous platform for each pull request. Voting members are given the option to vote yes/no/neutral on each of the pull requests.
    • The Specification Update Subgroup Co-Chairs will announce the specific start and end time to the voting period by emailing [email protected].
    • WZDWG voting on pull requests will remain open for ten (10) days, or longer if necessary, and until votes have been received from at least 2 data producers and 2 data users (individuals representing respective data-producing/data-using organizations).
    • Whenever possible, votes in opposition to a given proposal (i.e., pull request) should provide actionable feedback and rationale behind said opinion.
    • Votes may be changed until the end of the voting period.
    • The proposed change is accepted if there is a supermajority (greater than 75% of voting members in agreement) of ‘yes’ votes at the conclusion of the voting period.
    • If the pull request does not receive the votes necessary to meet the required supermajority threshold and is therefore not approved, it is abandoned and closed, or delayed for a future version of the specification.
  6. Co-chairs will announce the final WZDWG voting results on each pull request (either approved by a majority or abandoned) by emailing the [email protected] distribution list. Co-chairs will help to coordinate the merging of any approved changes into the subsequent version of the WZDx specification.
  • Note: Changes to the specification deemed as ‘editorial’ in nature (e.g., grammatical revisions, sentence clarifications, etc.) may be excluded from the above formal specification amendment process and automatically approved by the Specification Update Subgroup Co-Chairs. These changes may be incorporated on a periodic basis.


Work Zone Data Working Group [Archive]

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