Releases: verlab/espuck_driver
Releases · verlab/espuck_driver
- Ambient Light
- Battery State (0: lower than 3.4v, 1: higher than 3.4v)
- Command Velocity (kinematic Model)
- Imu (acc + gyro)
- Wheel Position (joint_states)
- Laser (Interpolate from proximity sensors 24 points from 8 proximity sensors)
- Led Control (red led:{0-7}, green led:{8}, front led:{9}, state:{0: off, 1: on, 2:inverse})
- Microphone State
- Odom
- Raw Proximity sensors
- Sound Play {1:"haa", 2: "spaah", 3: "ouah", 4: "yaouh", 5: "wouaaaaaaaah"}
- Temperature State
- TF odom to base_link
- TF base_link to laser
- Rostopic at 90 hz using ESP8266 at 80 Mhz
- Increase power consumption to 90 mah