This repository accompanies the third VIMC consortium-wide paper "Projecting health impact of COVID-19 related immunisation disruptions in 112 countries from 2020-2030: A modelling study".
The repository contains the output of an orderly report which generates the figures and tables for the paper. As such, it includes datasets that the code depends on (except combined_data.rds due to filesize- this only informs one figure: disease_stacked_bar), a statement of the requirements (in orderly.yml), the log of this orderly run (orderly.log) and a readout of the session info (in orderly_run.rds). There are outputs included through both tables (in csvs) and figures. The main code used can be found in script.R, report.Rmd and in the function files (in the R folder). Note: it is not possible to run all the code as some relies on accessing the VIMC database which contains sensitive information.