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Plinio Moreno edited this page May 18, 2021 · 12 revisions
  • Required YARP applications (right click on each Module and hit run):
    • On Entities -> Application -> Vizzy_Startup_with_ROS (double click to open window):
      • yarprobotinterface (the robot will move to calibrate!)
      • yarpidl_rosmsg
      • vizzyUpperBodyJoints
      • vizzy_iKinGazeCtrl
      • fixationPointStatusBridge
      • fixationPointActionBridge

YARP modules

Open 4 terminals connected to vizzy-desktop (though ssh or mosh or using tmux to be able to detach):

  1. Terminal 1:
roslaunch vizzy_launch vizzy_real.launch
  1. Terminal 2:
rosrun vizzy_navigation
  1. Terminal 3:
roslaunch vizzy_navigation docking_action_server.launch
  1. Similar to the ROS base demo, you must locate the robot close to its actual position for the move-base package being able to find a path to the patrol positions and the docking station.

  2. The Kokam charger of the docking station must be turned on, the docking station must be in the correct pose (The lobby at the 7th floor), and the W pattern opened to be detected using the lasers,as shown in the image below. docking station

  3. Terminal 4:

roslaunch vizzy_behavior_trees behavior_tree.launch tree:=patrol_and_charging loop_rate:=1.0

If you execute the command in 6. before placing the robot properly on the map, it will not work.