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Anna Milan edited this page Dec 15, 2023
19 revisions
- 15 December 13-15h UTC
- Opening and approval of agenda
- Secretariat updates
- Review of GRIB proposals
- Review of BUFR proposals
- Review of Common Code Tables proposals
- Review other proposals (if time permits)
All notes are in the comment section of each issue.
- Updates to facilitate needs in modelling for nuclear protection #173 - Lennart/Sebastien- in validation
- new entry for "Convectively-induced turbulence" in Code Table 4.2 #218 - Jeff - validated
- Code Table 4.2 : adding new parameters #220 - Sebastien - in validation
- Encoding of Drought indexes as defined by WMO #221 - Sebastien - in validation
- new ocean and ice parameters in Code Table 4.2, Discipline 10 #222 - (Jeff) - validated
- new probability templates for large ensemble #224 - Sebastien - in validation
- new templates for probability forecasts based on focal statistics #225 - Sebastien - in validation
- new section 4 template for further statistics on probabilities based on focal statistics #226 - Sebastien - in validation
- new hydrology parameters in code Table 4.2 #227 - Sebastien - validated
- new fire weather parameter in Code Table 4.2, Discipline 2 #229 - Jeff - in validation
- Proposal for BUFRCREX_CodeFlag_en_40.csv #78 - Simon - in validation
- BUFR Table D 10, New BUFR template for satellite reflectance #158 - Marijana - in validation
- Code table 042017 new quality flags for wave spectra #166 - Marijana - in validation
- Update BUFRCREX_TableB_en_04.csv: Lidar L2b classification type #181 - Marijana - validated
- Update BUFRCREX_CodeFlag_en_01.csv Retrieval identifier #182 - Marijana - in validation
- New BUFR entries for representing ASCAT in BUFR #184 - Marijana - in validation
- Request for amendment to BUFR Table D, to create a new BUFR template suitable for the distribution of XCTD data #185 - in validation
- CCT-1 and CCT-11, new entry for AWI #158 - Sibylle - validated
- CCT 05, new entries to identify TEMPO satellite #159 - Marijana/Simon - validated
- CCT 08, new entry to identify TEMPO instrument #160 - Marijana/Simon - validated
- CCT 05 request to EUMETSAT, ESA, EC to identify CO2M-A satellite #161 - Marijana/Simon - in discussion
- CCT 05 request to identify GOSAT-2 #163 - Marijana/Simon - validated
- CCT 08 request to identify TANSO-FTS2 instrument #164 - Marijana/Simon - in validation
- CCT 02, new entries to identify RadiosondeSoundingSystems of China #166 - Shirley-Xuelei - validated
- CCT 05 request to add entry to identify AWS, ESA's Arctic Weather Satellite #167 -Simon - in validation
- Add new CCT 13 entry for radio occultation data from non-satellites #168 - Jeff - validated
- CCT 05 request to add entry to identify SWOT, CNES/NASA's Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite #169 - Simon - in progress
- Use of GRIB and BUFR registers in codes.wmo.int #23 - closed ==> Publish BUFR, GRIB and CCT codes to the WMO Codes Registry #171 - NEW
- Move CCT-06 into the GitHub repository (Units) #162 - Anna
- Update broken links on WMO Community website #165 - Anna
- Divide CodeFlag_4_2.csv into multiple files #163 - Anna/Sebvi - on pause until in between fast-tracks
- map GRIB to ISO 19111 #187 - dependant on codes registry publication
- Additional entry of length or number of octets in GRIB2_Template_ csv-files #219 - Sybille - to discuss between fast-tracks
- Retirement of CREX #180 - Anna - no work yet, to prepare for INFCOM-3
- Register GRIB with IANA #175 - keep open until decision is made
- Register BUFR with IANA #140 - keep open until decision is made
- 15 Dec - Complete validations of proposals
15 Jan - Finalize all proposals
- Validate and document (in issues) all proposals
- 2-week window to prepare amendments
1 Feb - National Focal Point (NFP) review
- submit amendments for endorsement and review
- 2-month window for National Focal Point (NFP) review
1 April - WMO Adoption Procedure
- 1.5-month window for final WMO adoption and publication
- 15 May - operational date (we are planning on releasing the machine-readable codes earlier)
see: https://github.com/wmo-im/wmo-im.github.io/wiki/Fast-Track-Schedules
- ? January 2024
No. | Name | Agency | 15 Dec |
1 | Jeffrey ATOR | NOAA | |
2 | Marijana CREPULJA (lead) | ECMWF | |
3 | Simon Stuart ELLIOTT | EUMETSAT | |
4 | Sergio Henrique Soares FERREIRA | National Institute for Space Research, Brazil | |
5 | Tom KRALIDIS | Environment and Climate Change Canada | |
6 | Sibylle KREBBER | DWD | |
7 | Abderrazak LEMKHENTER | Météo Maroc | |
8 | Marian MAJAN | HMEI | |
10 | XUE Lei | CMA |
Name | Agency | 15 Dec |
Sébastien VILLAUME | ECMWF | |
Antoine MERLE | EUMETSAT | |
Jakub Beer | HMEI | |
Lennart ROBERTSON | SMHI | |
Chris Little | UK Met | |
Martin Desruisseaux | GEOMATYS/OGC | |
Sebastien HANS | Geosphere | |
Giannokos APOSTOLOS | Geosphere |
Name | 15 |
Anna MILAN | X |