Reverse-engineering blaseball from the PRNG stream.
Python 3.9, at least? numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn.
Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install all necessary packages.
Clone repository and run out/output.txt
, if you want to see the output, or --silent
if you don't. I thought not generating output would make it go faster but that doesn't seem to be the case. It will take a long time to run the first time, as it builds a set of cache files. Afterwards, it will take...less long, anyway. From there, use Jupyter notebooks included to analyze data, or make your own!
: handles the PRNG
: functions and classes to fetch needed
: defines class for logging rolls to csv, for
: the meat of the program; does the actual
: runs the program. Define time ranges to investigate here
For seasons 12-15. This pseudocode is "just" for standard game events. For details about start/end of games, start/end of innings, mod notifications, non-random weather procs like Black Hole/Sun2, etc. see handle_misc
roll for return-from-elsewhere (end event if it procs) and name unscattering (thresholds TODO?)
roll for weather, end event if it procs (thresholds TODO)
roll for party, end event if it procs (threshold known)
if weather is flooding:
roll for flooding, end event if it procs (thresholds TODO)
roll for consumers, end event if it procs (threshold in progress)
if ballpark has peanut mister:
roll for peanut mister, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
if ballpark has smithy:
roll for smithy, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
if ballpark has secret base:
roll for secret base, end event if it procs (regular and attractors; thresholds TODO)
if ballpark has grind rail:
roll for grind rail, end event if it procs (thresholds TODO?)
if ballpark has tunnels:
roll for tunnels, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
roll to choose steal fielder (not confirmed)
for each steal-eligible player:
roll for steal, end event if it procs (thresholds in progress)
if batter has electric blood mod:
roll for zap, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
if pitcher has debt and batter is not observed:
roll for HBP, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
if weather is birds:
roll for bird ambush, end event if it procs (threshold TODO)
roll for mild, end event if it procs (roll regardless if the pitcher has the mod; threshold TODO)
if the count is 0-0 and batter or pitcher has charm blood mod:
roll for charm, end event if it procs (threshold and exact logic TODO)
if batter is magmatic:
roll for unknown reasons, possibly unused
automatic home run, end event
if ballpark has big buckets:
roll for big buckets (threshold TODO)
roll for strike zone (threshold known)
if pitcher has acidic blood mod:
roll for acidic blood (threshold TODO)
if batter has flinch and strike count is 0:
automatic no-swing
roll for swing (threshold differs based on strike zone roll; both thresholds known)
if batter didn't swing:
if ball out of zone:
ball count += 1
if ball count == # of balls in a walk:
result is walk
if batter has base instincts:
roll for base instincts (thresholds TODO)
result is a ball
strike count += 1
if strike count == # of strikes in a strikeout:
result is strikeout looking
result is strike looking/flinching
else: # batter did swing
roll for contact (threshold differs based on strike zone roll; both thresholds known)
if no contact:
strike count += 1
if strike count == # of strikes in a strikeout:
result is strikeout swinging
result is strike swinging
else: # yes contact
roll for foul (threshold known)
if foul:
result is foul
roll to choose a fielder (known)
roll for out (threshold in progress)
if out:
num outs += 1
roll to choose a flyout assigned fielder (known)
roll for fly (threshold known)
if fly:
if num outs < # of outs in a half-inning:
for each runner in reverse order:
if the next base is open:
roll for runner advancement (threshold in progress)
result is flyout with flyout assigned fielder responsible
roll to choose a ground out assigned fielder (known)
if num outs < # of outs in a half-inning:
refer to for double play, fielders choice, and runner advancement logic (all thresholds known)
result is groundout with ground out assigned fielder responsible
if batter has debt, result is a simple ground out or flyout, and assigned fielder is not already observed:
roll for debt (threshold TODO)
else: # not an out
roll for home run (threshold known)
if home run:
result is home run
roll buckets (threshold unknown)
else: # base hit
roll for fielder (known)
roll for double (threshold known)
roll for triple (threshold known)
if triples roll passed:
result is triple
else if doubles roll passed:
result is double
result is single
apply automatic advancement based on the hit type
for each runner in reverse order:
if the next base is open:
roll for extra runner advancement (threshold TODO)
if batter is reverberating and this event ends the PA and it wasn't a hit or HR:
roll for reverberating (threshold TODO)
if the attractor async thing happened: # idk ask astrid
roll for attractor's fake stars (formula known)