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Version 4 API Changelog

This page details SDK API changes between the Experience Platform SDKs and 4x SDKs.

Mobile Core APIs

For more information, see Mobile Core API reference.

Supported APIs

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK
extensionVersion version/getVersion (iOS | Android)
getPrivacyStatus privacyStatus (iOS | Android)
setPrivacyStatus setPrivacyStatus: (iOS | Android)
setLogLevel setDebugLogging: (iOS | Android)
configureWithFileInPath: overrideConfigPath: (iOS | Android)
configureWithAppId: Not applicable
updateConfiguration: Not applicable
setAppGroup: setAppGroup: (iOS)
trackState:data: trackState:data: (iOS | Android)
trackAction:data: trackAction:data: (iOS | Android)
collectPII: collectPII: (iOS | Android)
getSdkIdentities: getAllIdentifiersAsync: (iOS | Android)

Deprecated APIs and functionality

4x SDK Notes
trackActionFromBackground (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackLocation:data: (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackBeacon:Data: (iOS | Android) Support modified, see guide
trackingClearCurrentBeacon (iOS | Android) Deprecated
registerAdobeDataCallback: (Android) Deprecated
lifetimeValue (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackLifetimeValueIncrease:data: (iOS | Android)
trackTimedActionStart: (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackTimedActionUpdate: (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackTimedActionEnd: (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackTimedActionExists: (iOS | Android) Deprecated
trackPushMessageClickThrough:userInfo(iOS | Android) Support modified, see guide
Tracking App Crash (iOS | Android) Deprecated

Lifecycle extension APIs

Supported APIs

{% hint style="warning" %} In the v4 iOS SDK, Lifecycle start and stop calls are made automatically by the SDK. In the AEP SDK, the calls to start and stop lifecycle will need to be made by the application developer. For more information, see Lifecycle extension in iOS. {% endhint %}

For more information, see Lifecycle API reference.

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK
lifecycleStart: collectLifecycleData (iOS | Android)
lifecycleStart: collectLifecycleWithAdditionalData (iOS | Android)
lifecycleStop pauseCollectingLifecycleData (Android only)

Deprecated APIs

4x SDK Notes
keepLifecycleSessionAlive (iOS | Android) Deprecated

Identity extension APIs

For more information, see Identity API reference.

Supported APIs

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK
setPushIdentifier: setPushIdentifier (iOS | Android)
setAdvertisingIdentifier: setAdvertisingIdentifier (iOS | Android)
getExperienceCloudId: visitorMarketingCloudID (iOS | Android)
syncIdentifiers: visitorSyncIdentifiers (iOS | Android)
syncIdentifiers:authentication: visitorSyncIdentifiers:authenticationState: (iOS | Android)
syncIdentifier:identifier:authentication: visitorSyncIdentifiersWithType:identifier:authenticationState: (iOS | Android)
getIdentifiers visitorGetIDs (iOS | Android)
appendToURL:withCallback: visitorAppendToURL: (iOS | Android)
getUrlVariables visitorGetUrlVariablesAsync: (iOS | Android)

Adobe Analytics extension APIs

For more information, see Analytics API reference.

Supported APIs

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK
getUserIdentifier: getUserIdentifier (iOS | Android)
setUserIdentifier: setUserIdentifier (iOS | Android)
getTrackingIdentifier: trackingIdentifier (iOS | Android)
sendQueuedHits: trackingSendQueuedHits (iOS | Android)
clearQueue trackingClearQueue (iOS | Android)
getQueueSize trackingGetQueueSize (iOS | Android)

Adobe Audience Manager extension APIs

For more information, see Audience Manager Extension API Reference.

Supported APIs

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK (iOS | Android)
extensionVersion Not applicable
​getVisitorProfile​ audienceVisitorProfile
​signalWithData:callback:​ audienceSignalWithData:callback
​reset​ audienceReset

Deprecated APIs

4x SDK Notes
audienceSetDpid:dpuuid: (iOS | Android) Replaced - See Link
audienceDpid: (iOS | Android) Replaced - See Link
audienceDpuuid: (iOS | Android) Replaced - See Link

Adobe Target extension APIs

For more information see Target API reference.

Supported APIs

Experience Platform SDK 4x SDK (iOS | Android)
getThirdPartyId: targetThirdPartyID
setThirdPartyId: targetSetThirdPartyID
getTntId: Not applicable
resetExperience: targetClearCookies
targetPrefetchObjectWithName:targetParameters: targetPrefetchObjectWithName:mboxParameters:
prefetchContent:withParameters:callback: targetPrefetchContent:withProfileParameters:callback:
prefetchClearCache: targetPrefetchClearCache
targetRequestObjectWithName:targetParameters:defaultContent:callback: targetRequestObjectWithName:defaultContent:mboxParameters:callback:
retrieveLocationContent:withParameters: targetLoadRequests:withProfileParameters:
locationClickedWithName:targetParameters: locationClickedWithName:mboxParameters:productParameters:orderParameters:
setPreviewRestartDeeplink: targetPreviewRestartDeepLink:

Deprecated APIs

4x SDK Notes
targetPcID Deprecated
targetSessionID Deprecated
targetLoadRequest:callback: Deprecated
targetLoadRequestWithName:defaultContent:profileParameters:orderParameters:mboxParameters:callback: Deprecated
targetLoadRequestWithName:defaultContent:profileParameters:orderParameters:mboxParameters:requestLocationParameters:callback: Deprecated
targetCreateRequestWithName:defaultContent:parameters: Deprecated
targetCreateOrderConfirmRequestWithName:orderId:orderTotal:productPurchasedId:parameters: Deprecated