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Broström.A | Evul edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 14 revisions

This article handle how you setup, change and modify loadouts for our vehicle loadout system pylon. The loadout system allow you to quickly select a predefined template and equip your vehicle with it. The actions are added when the vehicle is inside of a staging zone.

Adding and modifying loadout

Obtain and Change Loadout

In order to add or mosify loadout it is easiest to export the vehicles current magazines first inorder to get the turret index. Tondo this its easiets to run the folowing command in the debug console when looking at the vehicle:

magazinesAllTurrets cursorObject;

Some times you can modifie the ammunition types and so on in the eden object view. When doing so you can then export diffrent magazines wirhout opening the config viewer.

For aircrafts this is diffent and more simple however. First fo you can change the pylon of the given aircraft directly on the object view

NOTE: Sometimes you are blocled form selecting a specific pylon. However in cScripts we dont care about this limitaion when applying and can apply anything anywhere.

Once we happy with our loadout, we can now export it using the following command in the debug console while looning at the aircraft.

getPylonMagazines cursorObject

Loadout format

Each export return a one liner long array what we do is to reformat it to make it more readable and manageable. The loadout system support 2 types of formats the vehicle magazine array with the id and owner part at the end removed. For aircrafts the pylon return a much simpler array with each item (usually) represent left to right wing position.

Below you can find exsample formaring.

Ground vehicles

    [ "default", [


    ["default", [

Add Loadout

Now when we have a array containing our pylon can now add it or edit it to fit your needs better. In the file cScripts/functions/vehicle/fn_vehicle_getPylon.sqf we define all our loadouts. The loadout file have 2 parts the actuall loadouts then the vehicle kind that reference the loadout.

private _rhsusf_m1a1tank_base = createHashMapFromArray [
    ["hard",    [ /* SNIPP */ ]],
    ["default", [ /* SNIPP */ ]],
    ["hard",    [ /* SNIPP */ ]]

// Loadout vehicle list
private _pylons = createHashMapFromArray [
    ["rhsusf_m1a1tank_base", _rhsusf_m1a1tank_base]

Add laodout to selector



if (_vehicle iskindOf "rhsusf_m1a1tank_base") then {
    _pylonList = [
        // TypeOf,               DisplayName,   Name,           Icon
        ["rhsusf_m1a1tank_base", "Hard",        "hard",         ""],
        ["rhsusf_m1a1tank_base", "Soft",        "soft",         ""],
        ["rhsusf_m1a1tank_base", "Default",     "default",      ""]

Defaut Loadout

NOTE: Default loadouts in <4.5.1 are manually defined.
They are defined in cScripts/functions/vehicle/fn_vehicle_addDefaultLoadout.sqf.
In >4.5.2 they are automatically applied.

Loadouts that are named default are automatically applied to a vehicle. If non-exist none will be applied.

See also