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Vehicle Customization

Broström.A | Evul edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 19 revisions

Added in: 4.4.0

cScripts allow vehicles, defined by the CBA Setting Vehicle faction array, to be changed so to better retrofitted to better fit our needs and our way to play. The system changes vehicle cargo, appearance and radio.

This system also allow for radio to be predefined inside of the vehicles radios.

M1A1 Abrams

Tank Aperence

It is possible when you are inside of a staging zone to customize your Abrams. To do this open the Tank self interactions when occupying a crew seat. Here you can declare a tank callsign as well as a specific barrel art.


When turned out it is possible to put up or take down the unit flag.

Rack Radio

Radio racks can be set to be initialized on mission init for faction vehicles.

Vehicle type

Per default the type of vehicle is automatically determined by its classname.

Special vehicle type

But there are some special classes. Namely MED or EMPTY. The MED is used for setting vehicles to classes them as a medical vehicle and give it medical supplies and EMPTY make the inventory blank.

this setVariable ["cScripts_Vehicle_Type", typeOf this];
this setVariable ["cScripts_Vehicle_Type", "EMPTY"];
this setVariable ["cScripts_Vehicle_Type", "MED"];

See also