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Staging Zone

Broström.A | Evul edited this page Nov 12, 2023 · 22 revisions

Make a staging zone

The staging zone is automatically created around all respawn_west (number suffix _123 also work) marker as well as our Starter crate. They cover 60 meters around the marker and 25 meter around the create location. You can also manually declare a zone using the magic marker name zone_staging (see below) or by using the following function:

/* Arguments:
 * 1: Zone Size <NUMBER/STRING> (Optional) [Default; 12]

[this] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
[this, 3] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
["zone_staging", 12] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
["respawn_west", 12] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
[[10,25,0], 12] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
["ShapedZoneMarker", "RECTANGLE"] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone
["ShapedZoneMarker", "ELLIPSE"] call cScripts_fnc_addStagingZone

This function can be declared in init.sqf if you declare a VariableName of the object.

You can also place down a marker and name it zone_staging (number suffix _123 does also work). This will automatically get a zone of 60 meters around them


Disable/Enable all staging zones

Zeus can via a module disable access to all staging zones.

Enable staging everywere

It is possible as Zeus to enable staging zones for all or targeted soldier using code execution.

Global execution will enable the staging zones for all player JIP players will not be effected.

cScripts_Staging_ZoneStatus = true;
cScripts_Staging_ZoneStatus = false;

Allow all loadouts

It is possible to show all loadouts for all players for all or targeted soldier using code execution.

Global execution will enable the staging zones for all player JIP players will not be effected.

cScripts_Staging_showAllLoadouts = true;
cScripts_Staging_showAllLoadouts = false;

Mission settings

Disable staging system

It is possible to disable staging system in the mission settings under the staging category.

Allow all loadouts

You can toggle to show all loadouts during a mission from the cba settings menu under the staging category.

See also

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