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MOWR Benchmark Data Schema

Vern Wolfley edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 11 revisions

MOWR Benchmark Data Schema


education, schools, literacy, reading, language, testing, assessments, achievement, benchmark, MOWR, statewide, Arizona


These benchmark data are literacy assessment data. Move On When Reading (MOWR) schools are required to submit current literacy assessment data on the reading proficiency of all students in grades K-3. This benchmark data is submitted to ADE by October 1st, February 1st, and June 1st every year. The data are created to serve as base information for use in GIS systems for a variety of planning and analysis purposes. These data do not represent a legal record.


Arizona’s Move on When Reading (MOWR) legislation is designed to provide students with evidence-based reading instruction in kindergarten through third grade in order to position them for success as they progress through school, college, and the workforce. The heart of the legislation focuses on early identification and intervention for struggling readers, especially in kindergarten through second grade. The literacy initiative focus is to improve the foundational literacy achievement of K-3rd grade students via early intervention and prevention of reading difficulties.

Schools create and implement literacy plans to strategically identify and address the specific literacy needs of their students. School districts and charters with a letter grade of A or B are only required to submit literacy plans and benchmark literacy assessment data during odd-numbered school years. All school districts and charters with letter grades of C, D, or F, or without a letter grade, must submit K-3 literacy plans and benchmark literacy assessment data every year. This benchmark data is submitted to ADE by October 1st, February 1st, and June 1st every year.

For more information:

  • FY-2015 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2016 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2017 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2018 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2019 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2020 - Fall, Winter
  • FY-2021 - Fall, Winter, Spring
  • FY-2022 - Missing
  • FY-2023 - Missing
  • FY-2024 - Fall, Winter


  • Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the MAG member agencies
  • Read On Arizona
  • Arizona Department of Education (ADE)

Use Limitations

Data may be used only by the licensee and only for the non-commercial purposes stated in such licensee's request. Data is provided on an "as is" basis, with no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties of accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The licensee shall be solely responsible, and MAG shall have no liability, for the accuracy, selection, installation, use, efficiency and suitability of any data or documentation provided to licensee by MAG. In no event shall MAG be liable to the licensee for any damages arising from or related to any use or loss of the data. The licensee is advised to use the data with caution and to independently verify accuracy. For information regarding commercial use of the data, see Arizona Revised Statutes section 39-121.03.

Data Schema

Field Name Definition & Values Data Type
FiscalYear Fiscal year of student information Short
SchoolYear School year of student information -i.e. 2018-2019 Double
EntityID The unique identifying number given to the registered LEA, District, Charter Holder, or School.
  • EntityID = DistrictEntityID when SchoolEntityID is null
  • EntityID = SchoolEntityID when SchoolEntityID is not null

The unique identifying number given to the County

County EntityID
DistrictEntityID The unique identifying number given to the registered LEA, District or Charter Holder Double
SchoolEntityID The unique identifying number given to the registered School or Charter School Double
CountyName The name of county in which a LEA, district or school is located. - i.e. Maricopa Text, 25
DistrictName Name of LEA, District or charter holder Text, 100
SchoolName Name of school Text, 100
DataSource Where the data originated Text, 25
ReportType Whether the record is for a LEA or School Text, 3
Instrument Text, 75
AssessmentTool The name of the program used for literacy assessment. Text, 75
SubmissionID Test ID for school and calendar Double
LEASubmissionStatus Text, 50
SchoolSubmissionStatus Text, 50
Grade Text grade level type short version - i.e. "G1" Text, 3
GradeID Numerical ID for grade level type Short
GradeName Text grade level type long version - i.e. "1st Grade" Text, 12
CalendarLabel The tri-annual window designation for assessment data submittal from ADE the long version which can vary. Text, 75
Calendar The tri-annual window designation for assessment data submittal.
  • Window 1
  • Window 2
  • Window 3
Text, 12
Quarter The tri-annual definition for assessment data submittal.
  • Window 1 = Fall
  • Window 2 = Winter
  • Window 3 = Spring
Text, 10
TOTAL_TESTED The number of students tested calculated by adding (AT_BENCHMARK + APPR_BENCHMARK + AT_RISK_BENCHMARK) Double
AT_BENCHMARK Overall likelihood of achieving subsequent early literacy goals: 80% to 90% Double
APPR_BENCHMARK Overall likelihood of achieving subsequent early literacy goals: 40% to 60% Double
AT_RISK_BENCHMARK Overall likelihood of achieving subsequent early literacy goals: 10% to 20% Double
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