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Vern Wolfley edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 21 revisions


Drill down of subgroups of students, based on data from SAIS. Groups reported are:

ADE ADE Code MAG MAG Code Definition
All Students X All Students 0 All students = Includes all students with no subgroup breakdown
Male M Male 1 Students who reported Male as their gender
Female F Female 2 Students who reported Female as their gender
Hispanic / Latino H Hispanic 3 Hispanic/Latino = Students of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino
American Indian / Alaska Native I Native American 4 American Indian or Alaska Native = Includes only students who reported American Indian or Alaska Native as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
Asian A Asian 5 Asian = Includes only students who reported Asian as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
African American B Black 6 African American = Includes only students who reported Black or African American as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander P Pacific Islander 7 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander = Includes only students who reported Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
White W White 8 White = Includes only students who reported White as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
Multiple Races / Two or More Races R Multiracial 9 Multiracial or Two or more races = Includes any combination of two or more races and not Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
Income Eligibility 1 and 2 T FRL 10 Economically Disadvantaged = Students qualified for Free or Reduced lunch, Also listed as Income Eligibility 1 and 2
Migrant G Migrant 11 Migrant = Students identified as having a Migrant Student need
Students with Disabilities S SPED 12 Students with Disabilities = Students with a disability
Limited English Proficient L ELL 13 Limited English Proficient = Students identified as English language learners
Homeless E Homeless 14 Homeless = Students identified as having a Homeless student need
Economically Disadvantaged 1 F Free Lunch 15 Free Lunch = Economically Disadvantaged students qualified for Free lunch, Also listed as Income Eligibility 1
Economically Disadvantaged 2 R Reduced Lunch 16 Reduced Lunch = Economically Disadvantaged students qualified for Reduced lunch, Also listed as Income Eligibility 2
Military MI Military 17 Military - Students who have/had at least one parent serving in the military during the School Year
Foster Care FC Foster Care 18 Students in foster care
English Learner Cohort EC ELL Cohort 19 Student was previously identified as an English Learner at any point after their first enrollment in school
Accommodation AC Accommodation 20 Students that had an assessment accommodation.
Students with Disabilities with Accommodations SAC SPED Accommodation 21 Students that were identified as having a special education need during the Assessment Window and that had an assessment accommodation
Missing Gender - Missing Gender 98 Student not providing any gender information during enrollment.
Missing Ethnicity - Missing Ethnicity 99 Student not providing any ethnicity information during enrollment.
EL (Plus FEP 1-4) - EL (Plus FEP 1-4) 22 EL-FEP includes students who are current English Learners and students who were formerly identified as an EL student within the past four years and have since tested proficient on the English Learner assessment.
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