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face shields MasksForDocs

mikeabuilder edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 7 revisions


This page was started on 4/7 and is a work in progress...

See information about the organization here: Not much info here on actions you can take other than to make a donation.

Slack workspace Invitation

You can get an invitation to the slack workspace by following this link:

Local connection

There is a local (Kitsap) group. You can add your name to their contributors list in this google doc: google doc for kitsap MasksForDocs

You can also contact the group by email at this address: [email protected] Not sure if this address is managed by a single person, or email everyone on the list.

You can help Print some parts

The design the kitsap team has chosen is called the "6-hole Verkstan". And it needs to be either the v5 or the V3 version. The recommended stl file to print is in our repo here, and verkstan printer setting recommendations are here.

For those with Prusa printers, a 3MF file that has two frames fit to the buiold plate is here.

For those that want to read more, the official repository for the verkstan design is here. We've also put a local copy of the latest (as of 4/7) zip file from verkstan in our github repo (here). It has additional information, like an instruction sheet for using a 3-hole punch to punch the required holes in the shield material.

Frame Material

  • preferred: PETG
  • acceptable: PLA

Shield Material

  • The shield itself is made from a letter-size piece of PVC or PET plastic, hole punched twice with a "regular 3-hole punch", and two corners rounded off. We have been purchasing .007in (aka 7mil) "binder covers" from amazon.


After you make the parts, they need to be packaged before being dropped off. In order to help minimize possible contamination, parts should be handled wearing gloves and a facemask while printing, and be placed in a sealed plastic bag before delivering to BARN.

Get them to the MasksForDocs folks

There is a BIN at BARN where you can drop off your completed parts. At present, there is a "face mask" bin that you can use, but Doug is going to make a special bin if we get enough traction.