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This package provides generic nodes to monitor a Linux host.
Currently only the NTP monitor is ported to ROS2.
The cpu_monitor
module allows users to monitor the CPU usage of their system in real-time.
It publishes the usage percentage in a diagnostic message.
- Name of the node is "cpu_monitor_" + hostname.
- Uses the following args:
- warning_percentage: If the CPU usage is > warning_percentage, a WARN status will be publised.
- window: the maximum length of the used collections.deque for queuing CPU readings.
diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray The diagnostics information.
(default: 90) warning percentage threshold.
(default: 1) Length of CPU readings queue.
Runs 'ntpdate' to check if the system clock is synchronized with the NTP server.
- If the offset is smaller than
, anOK
status will be published. - If the offset is larger than the configured
status will be published, - if it is bigger than
status will be published. - If there was an error running
status will be published.
diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray The diagnostics information.
(default: "") Hostname of NTP server.
(default: 500) Allowed offset from NTP host. Above this is a warning.
(default: 5000000) If the offset from the NTP host exceeds this value, it is reported as an error instead of warning.
(default: 500) Offset from self
Computer name in diagnostics output (ex: 'c1')
(default: True) Disable self test.
To be ported
To be ported
To be ported
To be ported