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Create a tutorial editor for user

Reinhard Budde edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 1 revision

preconditions: Experience with TypeScript, Java, REST, usability, teaching

context: OpenRoberta is a learning platform. It uses a graphical programming language (based on blockly) and has code generators/loader for many robots and embedded systems used in education. Browse through . Use the simulator and write some simple programs

problem: The lab provides some tutorials (click on the hat right next to the user icon in the main menu), but users cannot create their own ones.

idea: Users create their own tutorials for their kid's, students etc. Once a tutorial is created, one can store it and share it with someone or with a group.

task: Analyse the power of the current tutorials and create an intuitive editor for it. Once a tutorial can be created online, think about workflows for saving and sharing a turorial.

For the future we also think about a gallery like we have it for programs and maybe automated translations.

note: If you cannot see the tutorial icon in the main menu, switch to English or German language.

contact: beate.jost AT iais.fraunhofer and / or reinhard.budde AT

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