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Patrick Werner edited this page May 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

November 9th:

Fixed all immediate errors, merged into develop.


  • Port Dropdown properties to YAML -> old properties link to a YAML file
  • Add a method that uses a program + the robot name + a general default config to generate valid programs for integration tests
  • Add a debug block for output without the need for an actor
  • Pull up Jaxb2Ast of individual sensors to the generic one
  • Fix package names (AST), same structure on all plugins
  • Find a way to use expert toolboxes as a basis for actor/sensor tests
  • Have a look at Ev3 sim's LightSensor
  • Check whether NO_PORT is really needed

November 6th:

Removed all errors from the refactoring branch. Started fixing tests for EV3.


  • Extracted a lot of functionality of the transformers into helper classes.
  • Generalized a lot of the transformers.


  • Check the constructor of ExprParam
  • Remove general modes and replace them with properties -> currently worked around with a second getEnumCode
  • Check UsedSensor redundancies
  • Add a hidden field to blockly, that specifies if the configuration block is an actor or sensor
  • Check whether the reverse field of motors in the configuration is really needed
  • Have a second look at the new JaxbTransformers
  • Go through all actions and replace getPort() with getUserDefinedPort()

October 30th & November 2nd:

Finished refactored configuration for NXT.


  • Moved NXT configuration to the robot project
  • Added ConfigurationComponent as a basis for all configuration blocks
  • Moved ActorType and SensorType to properties
  • Moved modes to properties
  • Removed some inverse transformations
  • Introduced new constants interface SC


  • NXT brick block is called EV3 brick block
  • Check if configuration blocks exist with blockly names -> prevent injection when changing xml
  • Endgoal: blockly blocks are created from properties
  • Use Map directly for ConfigurationComponents instead of constructing it from lists
  • Refactor BlocklyDropdown2EnumHelper and factory's methods to more generic ones
  • Check user defined names against configuration in BlocklyDropdownFactory
  • Have a look at new SC constants, try to autogenerate
  • Check usage of MASMETHOD in the NXT tests
  • Check test11 in the NXTSimulationVisitorTest

October 26th:

Finished moving sensor and dropdown modes to properties. Started rewriting configuration, starting with NXT as basis.


  • Finished common handling of wait_until sensor block with properties
  • Added a new configuration


  • Decide on color vs colour
  • Decide whether to rename OpenRobertaRobot to RobotCommon
  • Write a unit test that loads all classes for reflection
  • Make all of the modes in the new properties consistent, only include the needed ones
  • Extract a sensible naming strategy for the properties

October 23rd & 24th:

Started refactoring of the IRobotFactory, split into BlocklyDropdownFactory and IRobotFactory. Moving the modes into the properties.


  • MicrobitFactory now inherits from AbstractMbedFactory
  • Renamed set/getProgramText to getSourceCode in ICompilerWorkflow
  • Added new classes for dropdown maps
  • Split IRobotFactory into BlocklyDropdownFactory and IRobotFactory:
    • Static functions moved to helper
    • moved dropdown specific stuff to the new factory
  • Started to move enums to the properties


  • Reconsider the EV3 predefined images: remove from server side/move to hal, only include if used
  • Clean up BlocklyConstants, try to autogenerate it
  • Is getCommandline and getSignature in IRobotFactory still needed?
  • Generalize dropdowns for sensors & actors
  • Add constants to use in code generation for the new property based modes?
  • Sort the sensors/actors in the properties
  • Remove redundancy in Calliope and EV3 properties
  • Extract interface from AbstractEV3Factory
  • Move usages of BlocklyDropdownFactory up

October 15th:

Refactoring of the actor visitors (1, 2)


  • Split sound visitor into sound and speech visitors
  • Split motor visitor into motor and differential motor visitors. Differential motor visitor extends the motor visitor
  • Default implementations for not supported actors are in the robot specific interface
  • Renamed communication visitor to bluetooth visitor
  • Removed control visitor, moved relay action down to Arduino
  • Added IActors4AutonomousDriveRobots as super interface for generic wheeled robots
  • Removed many empty return nulls or defaults and pulled them up to the robot specific interfaces to throw exceptions
  • Revised common Arduino visitor


  • Discuss if a sensor hierarchy is possible at this point of time we can not find any beneficial structure
  • Revise LEDs for Arduino
  • Look at Mbed in general and improve it (Structure, Motor, SingleMotor, BothMotor, missing microbit methods)
  • Write a script that validates test xmls are actually used in tests
  • Look at package names (actors vs action)
  • Improve Arduino properties

October 9th:

Refactoring of the factory names, code generation visitors and used hardware visitors.


  • Added Abstract to all touched abstract classes
  • Added I to all touched interfaces
  • Factories & compiler workflows now include the robot name in the class name
  • Factories are in the de.fhg.iais.roberta.factory package
  • Compiler workflows are in the de.fhg.iais.roberta.codegen package
  • Same factory & compiler workflow package names and structure for all robot plugins
  • Code generation & used hardware visitors now include the robot name in the class name
  • All visitors can be found under the visitor package
  • Language specific visitors are in the lang package
  • Hardware specific visitors are in the hardware package
  • Used hardware collector visitors are in the collect package (not final structure, has to be refactored?)
  • Program checking visitors are in the validate package (not final structure, has to be refactored?)
  • Same code generation package names and structure for all robot plugins
  • Timer & Bluetooth functions were moved down the simulation visitor chain (this has to be refactored)


  • Have a look at the Guice modules (e.g. Ev3GuiceModule) and its package structure
  • Bob3, Botnroll & Mbot factories should be subclasses of AbstractArduinoFactory
  • MicrobitFactory should be subclass of AbstractMbedFactory
  • Refactor hardware specific parts in the simulation visitors, maybe split into lang / hardware as real robot ones
  • All exception messages in IActorVisitor should be replaced
  • Should the AbstractStackMachineVisitor be moved to the robot project?
  • Final should be added to all leaf visitors to express they are leaves
  • Add a general IRobotVisitor between robot specific ones and IActorVisitor and ISensorVisitor?
  • Look at all of the visitors and replace return null with exception throws where adequate
  • All high level visitors need default implementations
  • Look at isXUsed and UsedSensors/UsedActors structure and find a better (common, if possible) solution
  • Synchronise test packages with the new package structure
  • Split checkers into similar lang/hardware package structure, if possible
  • Look at "Brick vs Board", replace everywhere with more descriptive names

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