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Variable select based on file

wu haifeng edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

In shifu, we provided a feature for user to select variables based on files, which including raw file, model spec or ColumnConfig.json.

shifu varsel -f file_name

Different file support


shifu varsel -f ColumnConfig.json

This will use -f specified column config's final select as variable select.

Raw file with suffix name ".vars", ".txt", ".names"

shifu varsel -f se5_top800.vars

This will read from the file line by line, each line not start with '#' or '//' will be treated as a variable name to be select.

Model spec, currently support NN, GBT, RF models, which file with suffix ".nn", ".gbt", ".rf"

shifu varsel -f other_model.nn

This will select the variables described in the model spec.

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