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Noah Zemlin edited this page Jun 17, 2019 · 4 revisions


The Motor class represents physical motors.

Example code to create a motor and send output.

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4, 5, 3); //Initalize motor on digital pins 4 and 5, with PWM pin 3 as enable
motor.output(0.5); //Output half of max speed to the motor.



Default constructor.

Public Methods

Motor* begin(int in1pin, int in2pin);

Initalizes a 2 pin motor

Motor motor;
motor.begin(3,5); //Initalizes the motor on PWM pins 3 and 5

Motor* begin(int in1pin, int in2pin, int enpin);

Initalizes a 3 pin motor

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4,5,3); //Initalizes the motor on digital pins 4 and 5, and PWM pin 3.

Motor* reverse();

Reverses the direction of a motor by swapping the two input pins (in1pin and in1pin).

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4,5,3).reverse(); //Initalizes the motor on digital pins 4 and 5, and PWM pin 3. It then reverses the direction.

Motor* setDefaultOnZero(int value);

Set the default signal to send to in1pin and in2pin on 0 speed. By default, this is set to HIGH.

Used for turning on brake or float. See Motor Controller datasheet for brake and float control logic.

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4,5,3).setDefaultOnZero(LOW); //Initalizes the motor on digital pins 4 and 5, and PWM pin 3. When the speed is set to 0, LOW will be applied to both digital pins 3 and 4.

void output(float speed);

Output a speed to the motor, between -1 and 1.

Speed of 0 outputs LOW or HIGH to both in1pin and in2pin based on setDefaultOnZero(). The default is HIGH.

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4, 5, 3); //Initalize motor on digital pins 4 and 5, with PWM pin 3 as enable
motor.output(0.5); //Output half of max speed to the motor.

void outputBool(int value);

Sends LOW or HIGH to both in1pin and in2pin.

Used for turning on brake or float. See Motor Controller datasheet for brake and float control logic.

Motor motor;
motor.begin(4, 5, 3); //Initalize motor on digital pins 4 and 5, with PWM pin 3 as enable
motor.outputBool(LOW); //Output LOW to both digital pins 4 and 5