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Releases: StasTserk/foundry-burningwheel

1.4.1 - Housekeeping

14 Jul 23:16
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Some minor fixes around skills and drag and drop behaviour

Also bumps compatibility up to the latest foundry build.


  • #488 - Dragging items back to own sheet duplicates them
  • #501 - Owned skills don't react to hasOwner flag properly

Also includes a minor update to the build pipeline to ensure ESLint errors are visible on the

  • #504 - Fix eslint errors being silenced

1.4.0 - Elevensises

23 Jun 23:40
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This release has been a thankfully minor update accounting for V11 compatibility.

All systems are expected to continue to work, and no deprecation warnings should be visible in the browser console.

In addition, some improvements to armor as well as dice rolling are included in this patch.


  • #492 - Verify support for V11. Due to localization changes, minimum version for this update is pushed up from v10 to 11.
  • #479 - Add additional easy to use dice shortcuts for rolling burning wheel dice. Eg: /roll b4 to roll 4 black dice. Thanks to @agolp for the addition!
  • #489 #490 #491 #494 - A number of improvements around the armor sheet, and the way armor penalties are applied to rolls, thanks @agolp

Behind the scenes

  • Though these changes should not be evident to players, the project finally modernized some of the build pipeline to include a better build tool (#496) as well as adding a standardized formatter to the codebase (#320).

1.3.5 - Words and Bugs

30 Jan 00:41
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Minor release expanding localization, fixing a few bugs.


  • #430 - All text in and around the dialogs that pop up for adding/importing items into a character should now be properly localized.


  • #480 - Fixes an issue with data binding optimal/extreme range inputs on the spell item sheet.
  • #379 - Fixes missing support for lifepaths that add +2 mental or physical stats during burning. Thanks @aoanla for the PR.

1.3.4 - Items for all Locations

23 Jan 00:13
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This release contains almost entirely continued effort towards expanding localization



  • Fixed a minor bug where attributes that reached their advancement criteria due to a routine test were not automatically notifying the user they were ready to advance.

1.3.3 - Local Lingo

16 Jan 01:15
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The majority of the code in this release revolves around adding Localization support.

So far, only the character sheet and some of the related dialogs have been localized (mostly revolving around rolling dice).

Future releases will seek to expand this localization support to things like the extended test dialogs, character burner, as well as the setting and NPC sheets.

Bug Fixes

  • #405 - Spells are missing "As Missile" weapon length. Thanks @Marcloure
  • #454 - Extended tests were not properly assigning advancement to stat/attribute tests.
  • #452 - Advance stat dialog was not actually advancing the stat when one hit "yes"

Localization added:

  • #307 - Flooded the issue board with a whole host of localization tasks. Should ahve a good grasp on the effort required, though.
  • #406 #407 #408 #409 #410 #411 #412 #413 #414 #415 #416 #417 - Added localization to character sheet.
  • #432 - Localize chat messages (though some dynamically generated content will still not be localized)
  • #421 #422 - Localize most of the text around rolling dice, and related dialogs.
  • #427 - Localize the GM difficulty/extended test dialog.

1.3.2 - Mostly version updates.

04 Jan 00:46
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Relatively minor update, targeting some minor quality of life changes. Also updates version compatibility because I guess Forge doesn't let you update some times.


  • #397 - Spell weapon IMS calculation incorrect for incidental/superb. Problem was due to some badly placed (actually absent) brackets. Thanks for the report @Marcloure
  • #298 - Updates "verified" version to latest foundry build (10.291).


  • #400 - Better exposes the actions that are available to the extended test dialogs as constants that may be modified (either through direct file manipulation, or a module)

1.3.1 - V10 Hotfix

21 Sep 00:15
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This release should address the major issues reported so far, plus some other stuff uncovered in my own testing.
Thanks for the thorough bug reports @BBBNBBB


  • #391 - Showstopper error trying to create characters and npcs.
  • #392 - A number of showstopper errors trying to roll stats in various ways.
  • General standardization regarding use of data., system. and [nothing] when defining dynamic accessors for stats in the code. Used mostly for granting test progress, artha tracking, and help.

1.3.0 - The Ten One

19 Sep 00:16
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This release includes exclusively the compatibility upgrade for foundry V10 (#388)

I suspect there will be a number of issues as this is a rather widespread change and since the way data is accessed in foundry changed in a rather basic way, I suspect there may have been some dynamic data accessors that haven't been touched as of right now.

The main benefit of this release, however is to get something functional so folks can start upgrading and move on to the newest foundry version.

Bonus change:

  • Error in character burner worksheet reminder for health (#383) Thanks @BBBNBBB for the fix!

1.2.0 - Vee Nine

21 Dec 22:08
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Updates the targeted foundry version up to the latest V9 Release. While the update has been relatively simple, it does include a migration task and as part of general best practice, it is recommended to back up your worlds before updating.


  • Compatibility testing with the latest v9 foundry release. Uncovered no major problems.
  • #366 - Adds multiple stages of sheet layout based on the permissions of the actor viewing the sheet. Those with Limited permissions can only see basic header information about PCs and NPCs (bio information, portrait). Those with Observer permissions can see most of the sheet, though any controls relating to editing and most buttons are hidden, if not disabled.
  • #368 - Disabling the "GM Difficulty" option now keeps the roll mode button control, as well as the extended test UI toggle. This allows groups to benefit from the extended test functionality while defaulting back to using difficulty being entered in the roll dialog, which was not possible before.


  • #371 - Skills marked as Training skills now always show up in the training skill section of a character sheet. This was not simple to do before due to the way that toggle was pulling double duty in the character burner. This expands the skill data object, and the character burner dialog to include the idea of "Magical" skills like Dwarven arts and Elven skill songs. A migration task is included for any currently present skills which were using the old "training" skill cost pattern. Thanks for @haksanlulz for reporting!
  • #337 - Dropping an item onto the character burner worksheet was causing an exception to be thrown when the item's name included an apostrophe. Thanks for @rurikid for the fix!
  • #370 - The edit and delete buttons on the training skills section in the character sheet were non-functional. Thanks to @haksanlulz for reporting, thanks @rurikid for the fix!

1.1.7 - Challenging Stuff

14 Sep 00:28
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Minor release to patch a subtle but somewhat longstanding bug with test tracking.

Also includes some behind the scenes package updates.


  • #364 - Challenging advancement for skills was not being tracked properly. Thanks @jpwpk for the report!