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Neo-X edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 1 revision


ORCA has always used polygon obstacles by default. Best place to start might be here. This is how a polygon obstacle is created in the kdtree spatial database. Currently only ORCA understands the polygon-based obstacles. All that really needs to be done is to input a polygon obstacle into the environment is to provide a list of vertices. They don't really need to be convex and connected either.

How they work

To create a polygon obstacle a list of vertices needs to be given to the constructor. This list should specify the vertices in counter clockwise order.

Polygon obstacle can also be created using a testcase file. Here is the syntax to define a polygon obstacle in the testcase:

<vertex> <x></x> <y></y> <z></z> </vertex>
<vertex> <x></x> <y></y> <z></z> </vertex>
<vertex> <x></x> <y></y> <z></z> </vertex>

In the code, it is used in here .

Best of luck.