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Baseline WCDA

Cheng Da edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 22 revisions

Update codes and CFS fixed files


fetch/merge the branch Aaditya (The latest commit should be at least cc1fd42 by running git log). Ensure the following positions are correct:

  1. run/run_fcst: for y in range(1956,2013+1):
  2. letkf-mom/obs/obsop.f90: DO_REMOVE_65N = .false.

If they don't show the values here, then your branch Aaditya is not up-to-date.

Fixed files

We need CO2 files after 2010. If you have copied CFS fixed files to your own directory before, enter the directory and copy latest CO2 files

cp /backup2/cheng/shared/* .

If you haven't copied fixed files, you can simply copy the whole directory

cp -r /backup2/cheng/shared/ your_desired_location

Locations of resources


obs type frequency range location
atm obs (prepBUFR) 6hr 00UTC 20100101 to 18UTC 20100701 (continuing) /backup2/chen/shared/wcda_obs/atm_prepbufr
ocn obs (tsprofile+L4_GHRSST) daily 20100101 to 20101231 /backup2/chen/shared/wcda_obs/cfs_ocn


One full cycle in each month is saved. There are 12 files (1 flux, 2 atm, 9 ocn) for each member in 1-cycle.

cycle saved description location
2010010100 IC with 10-day SST nudging after 4-month free-run /backup2/chen/shared/anal_free40_sstnudge10
2010020100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010030100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010040100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010050100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010060100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010070100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010073106 WCDA analysis ens(skip ocnDA) /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
2010080100 WCDA analysis ens /backup2/chen/shared/wcda
continuing pause at 2010080200

Configuration files

configuration files for CFS and LETKF are stored at /backup2/chen/shared/wcda_cfg. Note we disable SST nudging and use 30-day SSS nudging (see nemo.nml)

Run the baseline experiment

These steps should be repeated every time you want to launch a new experiment. Here assume that we want to perform a 40-member WCDA under directory /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/wcda

Load environments for CFS-LETKF

Under directory run, run

source ../config/ 

Copy the initial ensembles

Use script run/init_copy to prepare a directory required by CFS-LETKF. Don't forget adding the option --copyflux

./init_copy --copyflux --source /backup2/chen/shared/anal_free40_sstnudge10 --ares 126 2010010100 /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/wcda 40

will generate the experiment directory /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/wcda by using 40 members from /backup2/chen/shared/anal_free40_sstnudge10.

Update the configuration files (Most important !!!!)

Update LETKF and CFS namelists

cp /backup2/chen/shared/wcda_cfg/* /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/wcda/cfg/.

Open nemo.nml and ensure the SST nudging is turned off and SSS nudging is 30 days.

Run the DA cycle

Use the script lsf_cycle to launch 1-month experiment

nohup ./lsf_cycle  --aobs /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/obs/atm_prepbufr --oobs /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/obs/cfs_ocn/CFSOBS --ares 126 --clear 24 --mem 40 /backup2/cheng/CFSv2-LETKF/DATA/wcda 2010010100 2010020100 &

Save specific analysis cycles

You can use the script save_cycle.