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Nature Run

Travis sluka edited this page Feb 22, 2016 · 3 revisions

Previous step in Getting Started:Downloading Data

To freely run the CFS model for a month given T62 initial conditions, producing output every 6 hours, run the following:

./run/init_nature --date 2010010100 --path DATA/nature --ares 62

This will simply setup the directory structure for the nature run in ./DATA/nature and copy over the initial ocean and atmosphere conditions. Then, if running on the Deepthought 2 system, run:

./run/slurm_nature --start 2010010100 --end 2010020100 --path DATA/nature/

The slurm_nature script was designed to work on UMD's Deepthought 2 computer. The script will submit a 6 hour forecast job, wait for the job to finish, then submit a job for the next 6 hour forecast. The script as written will only work on SLURM based systems.

To instead run the forecasts as a single job, using a script more likely to work on any supercomputer, you can submit the ./run/run_nature script that will run the entire period as a single job (edit the file to setup the configuration). The script simply sumbits a 6 hour forecast run of ./run/run_fcst and then cycles the atmospheric forecast output into analysis with ./util/bin/sscycle2.

(These scripts should probably be rewritten with a system independent way, Rocoto?)