This package shall implement different models of ground stations for airborne wind energy systems. A ground station has the following components:
- motor/generator
- brake (optional)
- gearbox (optional)
- drum
Currently implemented is a model of the 20kW ground station from Delft University of Technology. In addition, a generic, torque controlled winch without brake is implemented. The torque controlled winch can operate both with a set_torque or with a set_speed. If a set_speed is provided, then a PI controller for is used that compares the actual speed and the set speed and controls the torque. The async generator cannot be used with a set_torque, only with a set_speed which is equal to the synchronous speed of the motor/ generator.
First, install Julia 1.10 or higher. Then launch Julia and install this package using the package manager.
using Pkg
pkg"add WinchModels"
calc_acceleration(wm::AsyncMachine, speed, force; set_torque=nothing, set_speed=nothing, use_brake = false)
calc_acceleration(wm::TorqueControlledMachine, speed, force; set_torque=nothing, set_speed=nothing, use_brake = false)
calc_force(wm::AsyncMachine, set_speed, speed)
using WinchModels, BenchmarkTools, KiteUtils
set = se()
wm = AsyncMachine(set)
@benchmark calc_acceleration(wm, 7.9, 8.0, 100.0)
On i7-7700K 17ns for Julia, 1050ns with Python.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the below WAIVER in association with the license.
Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the package “KiteModels.jl” (models for airborne wind energy systems) written by the Author(s).
Prof.dr. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering
- Research Fechner
- The application KiteViewer
- the package KiteUtils
- the packages KiteModels and KitePodModels and AtmosphericModels
- the package KiteControllers and KiteViewers