Code for experiments conducted in the papers Machine Learning Approach to Bilingual Terminology Alignment: Reimplementation and Adaptation, Reimplementation, analysis and adaptation of a term-alignment approach, Word-embedding based bilingual terminology alignment, Fusion of linguistic, neural and sentence-transformer features for improved term alignment.
Published results were produced in Python 3 programming environment on Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon operating system. Instructions for installation assume the usage of PyPI package manager.
Clone the project from the repository.
Install dependencies if needed: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To reproduce the results published in both papers run the code in the command line using following commands:
Results for the reproduced approach proposed by Aker et. al:
python3 --pretrained_dataset aker --filter_trainset False
Results for the only terms that are in GIZA++ approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset giza_terms_only --filter_trainset False --giza_only True
Results for the GIZA++ output cleaning approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset clean --filter_trainset False
Results for the GIZA++ output cleaning + lemmatization approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset clean --filter_trainset False
Results for training set 1:200 approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset False
Results for three filtering approaches with different trainset positive/negative ratio:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 10
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200
To reproduce the results for two additional experiments in the paper 'Reimplementation, analysis and adaptation of a term-alignment approach', run the code in the command line using following commands:
Results for the reported term length filtering approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1 --term_length_filter True
Results for the reported Cognate approach:
python3 --pretrained_dataset cognates --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200 --cognates True
You can also produce your own train and test sets with different pos/neg ratio balances by skipping the --pretrained_dataset argument. Following arguments are available:
--trainset_balance : A number argument that defines the ratio between positive and negative examples in trainset, e.g. 200 means that 200 negative examples are generated for every positive example in the train set. Default is 1.
--testset_balance : A number argument that define the ratio between positive and negative examples in testset, e.g. 200 means that 200 negative examples are generated for every positive term pair in the initial term list.
(except for 600 positive terms that are randomly chosen as positive examples). Default is 200.
--giza_only : A boolean argument (True or False). Define as True if you only want to use terms that are found in the GIZA++ dictionary. Default is False.
--filter_trainset: A boolean argument (True or False). Filter positive examples in the train set. Default is False.
--giza_clean: Use clean version of Giza++ generated dictionary. Default is False.
--cognates: Improves recall for cognate terms. Default is False.
--term_length_filter: Additional filter which removes all positively classified terms whose word length do not match.
Use the no_lemmatization script if you wish to produce unlemmatized train and test sets. This script also supports Dutch and French as target languages and can be used for reproducing all Dutch and French language experiments published in the paper 'Reimplementation, analysis and adaptation of a term-alignment approach'. Language can be chosen with the 'lang' argument:
--lang : Possible values are 'sl', 'fr' and 'nl' for Slovenian, French and Dutch. Default is Slovenian.
Results for the reproduced approach proposed by Aker et. al for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset aker --filter_trainset False --lang fr
Results for the reproduced approach proposed by Aker et. al for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset aker --filter_trainset False --lang nl
Results for the only terms that are in GIZA++ approach for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset giza_terms_only --filter_trainset False --giza_only True --lang fr
Results for the only terms that are in GIZA++ approach for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset giza_terms_only --filter_trainset False --giza_only True --lang nl
Results for training set 1:200 approach for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset False --lang fr
Results for training set 1:200 approach for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset False --lang nl
Results for three filtering approaches with different trainset positive/negative ratio for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1 --lang fr
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 10 --lang fr
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200 --lang fr
Results for three filtering approaches with different trainset positive/negative ratio for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1 --lang nl
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 10 --lang nl
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200 --lang nl
Results for the term length filtering approach for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1 --term_length_filter True --lang fr
Results for the term length filtering approach for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset unbalanced --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 1 --term_length_filter True --lang nl
Results for the Cognate approach for for English-French alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset cognates --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200 --cognates True --lang fr
Results for the Cognate approach for for English-Dutch alignment:
python3 --pretrained_dataset cognates --filter_trainset True --trainset_balance 200 --cognates True --lang nl
You can also use the system for predictions on your own terminology datasets by defining the following arguments:
--predict_source : A path to a list of source language terms - one term per line, first line should be "source".
--predict_target : A path to a list of source language terms - one term per line, first line should be "target".
Andraž Repar
Matej Martinc
Senja Pollak
- Knowledge Technologies Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana