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TGAC Tree 35 Assemblies

RichardBuggs edited this page May 20, 2013 · 2 revisions

##Assembly Stats

n	n:200	n:N50	min	N80	N50	N20	max	sum
409503	387267	62063	200	2801	5911	11876	123139	1.282e9 Fraxinus_excelsior_Nornex_s1v1-contigs.fa 
249580	249580	48860	392	3526	7138	15616	315237	1.285e9 Fraxinus_excelsior_Nornex_s1v1-scaffolds.fa

##CEGMA analysis on first TGAC assembly

Statistics of the completeness of the genome based on BLASTS of 248 Core Eukaryote Genes (CEGs)

179 complete hits (72.18% of 248 CEGS), of which 73.7% have more than one ortholog (mean = 2.8 orthologs/CEG)
231 partial hits (93.15% of 248 CEGS) of which 92.6% have more than one ortholog (mean = 3.9 orthologs/CEG)

These results are based on the set of genes selected by Genis Parra