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Cervinakuy edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 25 revisions

The main configuration for KitPvP managing many different aspects of how the plugin operates. Please be sure to read this page as thoroughly as possible before reaching out to anyone for assistance. The following sections are displayed in order of appearance.

A copy of the default config.yml can be found here.


Items Settings

Chat Settings

Combat Settings

Kill Settings

Death Settings

Respawn Settings

PlayerTracker Settings

Soups Settings

TNT Settings

Commands Settings

Storage Settings

Arena Settings

Other Settings



Items given upon joining an arena, clearing a kit, or respawning.

Besides the two default items, custom arena items can also be added. A sample custom arena item is included at the end of this section.

  • Kits - section relating to the kit item
    • Enabled - whether to give this item at all
    • Name - name of the kit item
    • Material - the type of material used for the kit item
    • Slot - inventory item slot where the kit item is given (0 is the first slot, 1 is the second slot, and so on)
    • Menu - whether to open the built-in KitPvP kit menu
    • Commands - typical Command format, can include commands to open a menu from an external menu plugin
  • Leave - section relating to the leave item
    • Enabled - whether to give this item at all
    • Name - name of the leave item
    • Material - the type of material used for the leave item
    • Slot - inventory item slot where the leave item is given (0 is the first slot, 1 is the second slot, and so on)
    • BungeeCord - allows the leave item to send a player to a specific BungeeCord server, disable if not using BungeeCord
      • Server - the exact (including case) server name to send the player to
      • Enabled - whether to enable sending the player to a BungeeCord server (if not using BungeeCord, disable this)
    • Commands - typical Command format, can include commands to send teleport/send a player to a different world if not using BungeeCord
Example custom arena item
    Enabled: true # whether the item is enabled
    Name: '&aShop (&7Right Click)' # name of the item
    Item: EMERALD # material of the item
    Slot: 4 # slot of the item, the 1st slot of a player's inventory is 0
    - 'player: shop' # these are commands, this particular command runs /shop from the player
    - 'console: say %player% used the shop item' # this command runs /say from the console
File Snippet
    Enabled: true
    Name: '&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)'
    Material: CHEST
    Slot: 0
    Menu: true
    Commands: []
    Enabled: true
    Name: '&aReturn to Hub &7(Right Click)'
    Material: WATCH
    Slot: 8
      Server: Hub
      Enabled: true
    Commands: []


Manages how the chat appears in arena worlds.

  • Format - the chat format which supports PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • %level% - the current level number of the player
    • %player% - the username of the player
    • %message% - the chat message
  • Enabled - whether to enable this feature
Displaying rank prefixes

Install PlaceholderAPI and Vault, then run /papi ecloud download Vault. Afterwards, simply add %vault_prefix% anywhere in the chat format, and it will display the prefix.

File Snippet
  Format: '%level% &e%player% &f%message%'
  Enabled: true


Sound played when a player hits another player.

This section follows a typical KitPvP Sound format.

File Snippet
    Sound: BLAZE_HIT
    Pitch: 1
    Enabled: true


Message sent to a shooter when an arrow shot hits another player, displaying their target's health.

A shooter must have the permission kp.arrowmessage in order for this message to display.

  • Message - message sent to the shooter
    • %player% - name of the shot player
    • %health% - health of the shot player
  • Enabled - whether to enable this feature
File Snippet
    Message: '%prefix% &b%player% &7is on &c%health%&7.'
    Enabled: true


Rewards a successful arrow shot with another arrow to the shooter's inventory.

A shooter must have the permission kp.arrowreturn in order to receive an arrow.

  • ItemName - name of the arrow given to the player upon their successful shot
  • NoSpace - message sent to a player if there is not enough space in their inventory to add an arrow
  • Enabled - whether to enable this feature
File Snippet
    ItemName: '&eReturnable Arrow'
    NoSpace: '%prefix% &cYou must have at least one slot open in your inventory for you to receive your arrow for your successful shot.'
    Enabled: true


Rewards a player with a configurable amount of soups after killing another player.

  • NoSpace - message sent to a player if there is not enough space in their inventory to add a new soup
    • %amount% - amount of soups
  • Amount - amount of soups given upon killing another player
  • Delay - amount of time to delay giving the soups after a kill (in seconds)
  • Enabled - whether to enable this feature
File Snippet
    NoSpace: '%prefix% &c%amount% soups could not be added to your full inventory.'
    Amount: 1
    Delay: 0
    Enabled: true


Commands run upon kill in an arena.

Please note: commands in this section must use %killer%, not %player%

This section follows a typical KitPvP Command format.


The death title displayed when a player dies if FancyDeath is enabled.

  • Title - main title message
  • Subtitle - subtitle message
  • Time - respawn cooldown amount of time (in seconds)
  • Message - message displayed upon respawn
File Snippet
    Title: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
    Subtitle: '&7You will respawn in %seconds% seconds.'
    Time: 5
    Message: '%prefix% &7Respawning...'


The sound played globally when a player dies.

This section follows a typical KitPvP Sound format.

File Snippet
    Pitch: 1
    Enabled: false


Commands run upon death in an arena.

Please note: commands in this section must use %victim%, not %player%

This section follows a typical KitPvP Command format.


Death messages sent in chat upon death.

  • Enabled - whether death messages are sent in chat at all
File Snippet
    Player: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was killed by &b%killer% &7(&c%killer_health%&7).'
    Shot: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was shot by &b%killer% &7(&c%killer_health%&7).'
    Fall: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7fell to their doom.'
    Void: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from the void.'
    Fire: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from fire.'
    Explosion: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7blew up.'
    Suicide: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7killed themselves.'
    Unknown: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died.'
    Enabled: true


Commands run upon respawn in an arena.

This section follows a typical KitPvP Command format.


This section manages all Player Tracker (compass) options.

  • Name - name of the Player Tracker item
  • Message - the message shown on the compass when tracking begins
    • %nearestplayer% - name of the nearest player
    • %distance% - distance (in blocks) of the nearest player
  • NoneOnline - message displayed if there are no kitted players in the arena
  • TrackBelowY - for servers with high spawns, this option makes the tracker only track below a certain y-coordinate to avoid tracking players outside of the arena
File Snippet
  Name: '&aPlayer Tracker'
  Message: '&b&lTarget: &3%nearestplayer% &b&lDistance: &3%distance%'
  NoneOnline: '&cNo Players Online'
  TrackBelowY: 128


This section manages soups within arenas.

  • Name - name of the soup item. If a mushroom stew item does not have this name it will be treated like a normal mushroom stew item
  • RegenAmount - amount of health given upon soup use. 1 = half a heart, therefore 6 = 3 hearts
  • RemoveAfterUse - whether to remove the soup entirely from the inventory after use, or to place an empty soup (bowl)
  • Lore - lore of a soup
  • Sound - sound played to the player when a soup is used
  • Pitch - pitch of the sound played when a soup is used
  • Enabled - whether to enable soups at all
File Snippet
  Name: '&aRegenerative Soups &7(Right Click)'
  RegenAmount: 6
  RemoveAfterUse: true
  - '&7Use this item to regain health.'
  Sound: EAT
  Pitch: 1
  Enabled: true


This section manages KitPvP's custom TNT.

  • Name - name of the TNT item. If a TNT item does not have this name it will be treated like a normal block of TNT
  • Enabled - whether to enable custom TNT at all
File Snippet
  Name: '&aThrowable TNT &7(Right Click)'
  Enabled: true


This section manages command aliases.

  • Spawn - whether to allow /spawn to redirect to /kp spawn
  • Kit - whether to allow /kit to redirect to /kp kit
  • Kits - whether to allow /kits to redirect to /kp kits
  • Stats - whether to allow /stats to redirect to /kp stats
File Snippet
    Spawn: false
    Kit: false
    Kits: false
    Stats: false


Manages how KitPvP stores its information and data.

  • Type - type of storage, available options:
    • MySQL - uses MySQL database storage
    • YAML - uses flatfile and local storage
  • MySQL - section only relevant if Type above is set to MySQL
    • Host - MySQL host address
    • Database - name of the database
    • Table - table to place data
    • Port - MySQL port
    • Username - MySQL user name
    • Password - MySQL user password
File Snippet
  Type: YAML
    Database: kitpvp
    Table: kitpvp_userdata
    Port: 3306
    Username: walrus
    Password: supersecretpassword


Whether to clear potion effects on arena join.

File Snippet
  ClearPotionEffectsOnJoin: true


Whether to clear inventory on arena join.

File Snippet
  ClearInventoryOnJoin: true


Whether to clear potion effects on arena leave.

File Snippet
  ClearInventoryOnLeave: false


Whether to clear inventory on respawn in an arena.

File Snippet
  ClearInventoryOnRespawn: true


Whether to clear inventory upon kit selection.

File Snippet
  ClearInventoryOnKit: true


Whether to clear kit after teleported to spawn using /kp spawn or /spawn (only /spawn if the Alias is enabled)

File Snippet
  ClearKitOnCommandSpawn: true


Whether to prevent block breaking in an arena.
Bypass permission: kp.arena.blockbreaking

File Snippet
  PreventBlockBreaking: true


Whether to prevent block placing in an arena.\n Bypass permission: kp.arena.blockplacing

File Snippet
  PreventBlockPlacing: true


Whether to prevent item dropping in an arena. Bypass permission: kp.arena.itemdropping

File Snippet
  PreventItemDropping: true


Whether to prevent hunger loss in an arena.

File Snippet
  PreventHunger: true


Whether to prevent item durability damage. If enabled, all items used in an arena will be made unbreakable.

File Snippet
  PreventItemDurabilityDamage: false


Whether to prevent chests from opening in an arena.

File Snippet
  PreventChestOpen: true


Whether to prevent fall damage in an arena.

File Snippet
  PreventFallDamage: false


Whether to prevent player items from being dropped upon a player's death in an arena.

File Snippet
  PreventDeathDrops: true


Whether to keep the weather at sunny in an arena.

File Snippet
  KeepWeatherAtSunny: true


Whether to give items (from the Items section, ex: kit item, leave item) on /kp clear.

File Snippet
  GiveItemsOnClear: true


Whether to give items (from the Items section, ex: kit item, leave item) on respawn in an arena.

File Snippet
  GiveItemsOnRespawn: true


Whether to give items (from the Items section, ex: kit item, leave item) on arena join.

File Snippet
  GiveItemsOnJoin: true


If enabled, players without kits cannot hurt any other players. Players with kits are also unable to hurt players without kits. This system can be disabled entirely by disabling this option, and this option is only applicable in an arena.

File Snippet
  NoKitProtection: true


Whether to put a player in spectator mode and enable a respawn cooldown after death in an arena.

File Snippet
  FancyDeath: true


Whether to reset a player's kill streak after leaving an arena or server.

File Snippet
  ResetKillStreakOnLeave: true


Whether to teleport a player to the arena spawn upon arena join.

File Snippet
  ToSpawnOnJoin: true


Whether to spawn red particles at a player's death point in an arena.

File Snippet
  DeathParticles: true


Automatically creates an entry in the menu.yml after creating a kit.

File Snippet
  AutomaticallyAddKitToMenu: true