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Cervinakuy edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 4 revisions

Documented Sample scoreboard.yml

    Title: '&0     &r&b&lKIT-PVP     &0' # limit of 32 characters
    Enabled: true # whether the scoreboard feature is enabled
  Lines: # max of 16 lines
  - ' '
  - '&e&lStats'
  - '&aName: &f%player%'
  - '&aKills: &f%kills%'
  - '&aDeaths: &f%deaths%'
  - '&aK/D Ratio: &f%kd%'
  - ' '
  - '&6&lLevel'
  - '&aLevel: &f%level%/%max_level%'
  - '&aExperience: &f%xp%/%max_xp%'
  - ' '
  - '&c&lKill Streak'
  - '&f%streak% Kills'
  - ' '
  - '&'

Important Notes

  • For performance reasons, the scoreboard will only refresh upon kill or death (which is typically when any values / placeholders would update anyway, like money for example). If this is undesirable, an external scoreboard plugin may be used in place of the built-in scoreboard
  • To update the scoreboard without restarting your server, edit and save your scoreboard.yml then run /kp reload. The scoreboard will be updated upon rejoining an arena/server
  • All lines support PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  • There can only be 16 lines with each supporting up to 32 characters, not including color codes. If this threshold is passed, the scoreboard will not display and errors will appear in the console
  • The scoreboard may not appear properly or at all if other plugins using Minecraft's scoreboard feature are also on your server (such as tab plugins, Citizens, or other scoreboard plugins)
    • You can disable KitPvP's scoreboard and use a separate scoreboard plugin altogether if desired (such as FeatherBoard, QuickBoard, etc). KitPvP PlaceholderAPI placeholders can be found on the main plugin page.