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Cervinakuy edited this page Oct 13, 2020 · 25 revisions

(under construction for 2.1.6, NOT accurate to 2.1.5)

Items Section

    Enabled: true # whether to give the kit item
    Name: '&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)' # the name of the kit item
    Material: CHEST # the material type of the kit item
    Slot: 0 # the slot the kit item will be placed into, starting a 0 (1st player slot)
    Menu: true # whether to open the built-in KitPvP menu (menu.yml)
    Commands: # typical commands section
      - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
      - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%'
      - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%'
    Enabled: true # whether to give the leave item
    Name: '&aReturn to Hub &7(Right Click)' # the name of the leave item
    Material: WATCH # the material type of the leave item
    Slot: 8 # the slot the leave item will be placed into, starting a 0 (1st player slot)
    BungeeCord: # for bungeecord servers
      Server: Hub # must match casing EXACTLY
      Enabled: true # disable for non-bungeecord servers, see notes below
    Commands: # typical commands section
      - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
      - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%'
      - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%'
  • To use an external menu plugin, simply disable the Menu option under the Kits item, and add any command used to open the external menu
  • For non-BungeeCord servers, disable the BungeeCord option under the Leave item, and use the Commands section to run any relevant commands to return the player to the main spawn or hub

To make other custom arena items, please see the Creating custom arena items guide.

Chat Section

  Format: '%level% &e%player% &f%message%' # supports PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  Enabled: true # whether to use the KitPvP chat format
  • To display rank prefixes, install PlaceholderAPI and Vault, then run /papi ecloud download Vault. Afterwards, simply add %vault_prefix% anywhere in the chat format, and it will display the prefix