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Giso Grimm edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Distribute DMX signals via ovbox

The ovbox firmware is based on the tool TASCAR. In recent firmware versions it is possible to load TASCAR configuration to extend the ovbox configuration. That way, the TASCAR lightctl can be used to control DMX signals via OSC.

To load addition configuration files, activate "show expert settings" in the decive settings page. At the bottom of the "Gains and acoustic rendering" section you will find a text field where TASCAR configuration can be entered. Please note that not all TASCAR modules are supported by ov-client.

An example for DMX light control is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<session license="CC0">
    <lightctl driver="opendmxusb" fps="31.5">
      <lightscene name="stage" channels="3">
          <fixture addr="50" label="lamp"/>

This adds a controller for one fixture at DMX address 50, using three channels. This fixture can now be controlled by sending OSC messages to port 9870 of any other ovbox in the same session. These messages are supported:

/light/stage/lamp/dmx  (fff)
/light/stage/lamp/fade  (ffff)
/light/stage/lamp/hsv  (ffff)

The first message immediately sets the DMX values of the fixture. The second message fades from the current DMX value to the new one, with a fade length given by the fourth number. The third message controls hue, saturation and value of RGB and RGBW lamps. Here, the first number (hue) ranges from 0 to 360, the second (saturation) from 0 to 1, and the third (value) also from 0 to 1. Again, the fourth value is the fade length in seconds.

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