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Our Name

nc22349 edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 1 revision

What's in a name?

We believe the name Streamer Surf highlights our website's two most important features:

  1. "Streamer": We enable users to stream live videos of gameplay as well as archived gameplay. We showcase numerous streamers of a diversity of skill levels, ensuring that users can go back and forth between videos their buddies have posted and videos of professional play like high-stakes tournaments.

But if this were all our website could do, we would be Twitch. Our title's second word is equally as important as the first.

  1. "Surf": We give users a variety of ways to navigate and discover games--to surf in a way that distinguishes us from other websites. Each game page features a catalog of essential information that helps capture the spirit of the game, as well as a table of streamers and videos to help users find new content. Our genre pages further distinguish us from Twitch, allowing users a crucial means of navigating the website and finding games they like--or that they don't yet know they like.