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Generating Documentation

Peter Li edited this page May 7, 2020 · 3 revisions

C++ Code

Install tools

Install doxygen

To convert latex to pdf, you need a TeX distribution and tlmgr.

Running Doxygen

Go to the directory of the git repo. You should see a file named Doxygen

Run the following command: doxygen

Then, go to the directory doc/html and view the file index.html on your browser.

To generate DocBook as a PDF

Go to the directory doc/latex Run the following command: pdflatex refman.tex

The output will be stored in refman.pdf.

If you run into errors, you probably don't have all the necessary LaTeX libraries. To fix this, install the package texliveonfly if not already present by running: sudo tlmgr install texliveonfly

Then, run texliveonfly refman.tex

That should take a while, but it will install all the necessary TeX libraries.

Angular Frontend

Install dependencies

Node.js is required for this project. Please install the latest stable version of node.js and then run npm install in the project root directory to install all dependencies. Because they amount to over 700MB, this process may take a while.

Generate Documentation

To generate the documentation for this project, simply run npm run compodoc in the root directory, and a new folder called documentation will appear. Open documentation/index.html to see the documentation.