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Manual Testing Instructions

Peter Li edited this page May 9, 2020 · 4 revisions

Test View

  1. View the home page which contains the list of all museums
  2. In museum list, check card formatting (image, hide long introduction texts), click through pagination feature, and resize the window for mobile to make sure everything still works
  3. Try search feature and make sure that museum list changes with every keystroke
  4. Click into a museum
  5. Ensure museum information is displayed correctly (title, image, introduction, description in Markdown). Image should float on the right for large screens and occupy the entire width for smaller screens.
  6. Ensure the back button in museum view redirects the user back to museum list.
  7. Go to the collection list in a museum
  8. Repeat step 2 and 3 for collection list
  9. Go to a collection in collection list
  10. Repeat 5 through 6 for that collection
  11. Go to an artifact in artifact list
  12. Repeat step 2 and 3 for that artifact

Test User

  1. Start out as an unlogged in user
  2. Trying to create a museum or edit a collection/artifact will be blocked and redirected to the login page
  3. Click on the Register button in the login page to go to the registration page
  4. Put in registration information
  5. Verify that the frontend blocks registration if username is too long or too short, if password is too long or too short, if retyped password does not match password, and if the email address is not valid
  6. Try to register. The app should open a modal showing either success or failure. If registration is successful, the app will redirect the user to the login page. The user should also receive a welcome email.
  7. Try to put in the wrong username/password combination and login. This attempt should be rejected.
  8. Try to login with valid credentials. If the user is previously blocked from creating a museum or editing an entry, the user should be redirected to the previously inaccessible page. Otherwise, the user will be redirected to the home page.
  9. Once logged in, make sure that the Login button in the top navigation bar has changed to User Profile.
  10. Go to user profile and ensure that it loads correctly.
  11. Click Logout. The user should be logged out, and the navigation bar should change "User Profile" to "Login", and the user should be redirected to the login page.
  12. Click reset password in the login page. A modal should pop up.
  13. Put the username in the box, and then click submit.
  14. The user should receive an email containing the new password. Make sure the resetted password works.

Test Edit

  1. Login as a curator
  2. Go to any artifact in the museum of this curator
  3. Click edit
  4. The edit page should show up. This page should contain the existing information of the artifact. All collections belonging to that museum should appear, and only those that the artifact currently belongs to are checked. All fields should also contain the existing name, introduction, image url, and description.
  5. Change some random fields.
  6. Click submit. The modal should say that the edit is successful.
  7. Go to the artifact and make sure that it has indeed changed.
  8. Try to change a collection following steps 3 through 7. The only difference is that there will be no collection selection in the edit page, since, unlike an artifact having multiple collections, a collection can only belong to one museum.
  9. Go to another museum whose curator is not the current user. Make sure that the tester has access to the curator's account.
  10. Try to edit/create/delete an artifact or a collection and submit the edit. The modal should show that the edit is under review.
  11. Repeat step 10 at least four times, each time try to do something different so that edit, create, and delete requests are all made and that both artifacts and collections undergo edits.
  12. Go to the user profile to verify that these proposed edits show up in the user profile.
  13. The edits table should be in reverse chronological order: the latest update appears first. Click on the table header of the proposed edits to ensure that sorting works.
  14. View these edits to make sure that the view actually puts changes in parallel to each other.
  15. Logout.
  16. Login as the curator.
  17. Go to user profile to see the proposed edits.
  18. Check the table to make sure that the curator is able to see the "Approve" and "Deny" buttons in the table.
  19. Click on "Approve" and "Deny" for one edit each.
  20. Go to these edited entries to make sure that one of them changed and the other didn't.
  21. Go back to user profile
  22. View one of the edits.
  23. In additional to a comparison of the two versions (there would be only one if it's an addition or deletion), the view edit page should contain two buttons: "Approve" and "Deny".
  24. Click on these two buttons for one edit each.
  25. Go to the corresponding entries to make sure that one of them changed and the other didn't.
  26. Login to the email address of the user who made these edits. The user should have received four emails, each containing the review of an edit.
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