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Run on MacOS

Malolan Vasu edited this page May 7, 2020 · 12 revisions


Install Qt 5.14.1

Install the following packages: cpprestsdk 2.10, boost 1.60, and openssl 1.0 (1.02.t)

Use homebrew to install the above libraries.

Once done, go to QT Creator.

Right Click on the backend subproject and press Add library.

Choose External Library, then tick only the MacOS Platform. Click on the choose file for library path, and navigate to the path where homebrew installed the above packages.

For example, cpprestsdk could have its library path at /usr/local/Cellar/cpprestsdk/2.10.15/lib/libcpprest.2.10.dylib

Do the same for each of these dylibs libboost_system.dylib, libboost_thread-mt.dylib, and libboost_chrono-mt.dylib in the boost package. And also libssl.dylib, lcrypto.dylib in the openssl package.

Repeat the same for the tests/backend subproject.

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