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lcaron edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the opal wiki!

You can read the Introduction of this project, or access the release notes.

Please note that this project is under Eclipse Public License (

Currently Opal contains the following widgets :

  • Multichoice, a tool to select items.
  • TextAssist, an improved Text widget with auto-completion
  • AngleSlider, a angle picker
  • Brushed Metal Composite, a composite that displays a brushed metal texture "à la mac"
  • Dual List, a widget allows the user to select one or many elements, and order them.
  • Infinite progress panel, a widget that displays an animation during long task operations
  • Switch button, another look for checkboxes
  • Gradient composite, a composite that displays a gradient in its background.
  • Image Selector, a fancy image selector,
  • Dialog box, a trivial Task Dialog API for SWT
  • Horizontal Spinner, a horizontal spinner
  • Panels, 2 panels to make your forms nicer
  • CheckBoxGroup, a group with a checkbox. When one clicks on the checkbox, the whole content of the group is deactivated.
  • HeapManager, a widget that displays the available heap size, the current heap size and a button to perform a Garbage Collecting.
  • ColumnBrowser, a widget that displays a tree structure "a la mac" in miller columns.
  • Launcher, a widget used to launch applications, modules or anything, with a simple and fancy zoom effect
  • Header,a widget that displays a header, composed of a title, an image and a description.
  • Titled Separator, an enhanced separator, with a title and/or an image.
  • LoginDialog, a component to authentify users.
  • Tip of the Day, a window that displays the tip of the day.
  • Preference Window, an easy-to-build window that can be used to set up preferences.
  • Range Slider, a slider that allow the user to select a range
  • Prompt Support, an utility class to add a Prompt to Text and Combo widgets !
  • Transition Composite, a widget that display controls like "pages" and manage transitions between each page.
  • Property Table, a widget to edit properties. Each property is given a name, a type, a description.
  • DynamicTableColumns an enhanced table that allow you to set width by using pixels or percentages.
  • Notifier a toaster to notify the user
  • SystemMonitor a widget to monitor some aspects of your system and application.
  • Calculator a widget that displays a Calculator or a Calculator Combo.
  • RoundedToolbar a widget that displays a rounded toolbar.
  • StarRating a widget that displays a star rating component.
  • Breadcrumb a widget that displays a bread crumb.
  • OButton a widget that displays a custom button (Push,Toggle or Arrow).
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