Storage for 1505 documents that we have received as part of our research. It should mostly contains FOIA documents obtained by Lucy Parsons Labs from Chicago-area law enforcement agencies.
"1505 Funds" are funds seized by law enforcement agencies related to criminal misconduct. This is similar to the asset forfeiture program that the federal government runs, but on a State level. In the words of Chicago Police "the statutory authority for Department '1505' seizures can be found in the Controlled Substances Act (720 ILCS 570), the Cannabis Control Act (720 ILCS 550), and the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act (720 ILCS 646). The statutory authority for '1505 ML' seizures can be found in the Criminal Code of 2012 (720 ILCS 5/Art. 29(b) 'Money Laundering'"
The use of 1505 funds has not been audited to show the size of the program or the flow of the money in and out of police departments. At the moment we have about 15 million dollars in funds that we are attempting to shed light on. This repository shows some of the funds we have been able to obtain. A large use of these funds have been to purchase surveillance equipment and continue the "War on Drugs" through covert program. This audit
Outgoing checks for more than 5,000 USD out of 1505 or 1505 ML funds for fiscal year between Jan 2010 and Feb 2015 (as of October 2015).
Documents should be sorted by fiscal year. The highest level directory will be check number, the dollar amount and when it was sent out by the police department. The highest level directory should also contain and an Excel spreadsheet of all the checks we have requested and returned completed as well.