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Adyen Authorization

Mohamed Osman edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 6 revisions

The Adyen authorization with automatic capture is used to implement the Stash! authorization concept. Adyen requires the following values to authorize a payment:

Parameter Name Description
amount.value Amount in the smallest currency unit(e.g. cent)
amount.currency Currency
shopperEmail Shopper email
shopperIp Shopper IP
shopperReference Shopper reference
selectedRecurringDetailReference PSP alias
recurring.contract RECURRING
shopperInteraction it will have a value ContAuth
reference Payment reference, generated by backend
merchantAccount Merchant id
captureDelayHours Will be 0, so it's automatically captured

Adyen response:

Parameter Name Description
pspReference Adyen transaction id
refusalReason Will be present if the transaction is refused
errorMessage Will be present if an error happens
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