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Alias Configuration

Nikolaj Leischner edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 35 revisions

The concept of the Alias was created in order to provide a single usable object to the merchants to execute the payment operations.

Currently the following data is stored inside an alias object:

  1. Payment information (CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL related data)
  2. Payment service provider (BS_PAYONE, BRAINTREE or ADYEN)
  3. Merchant
  4. PSP alias (payment method identifier returned by the used PSP)


Create an Alias

The Alias can be created by providing the following parameters in a request header:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Publishable-Key The publishable API key defined for the merchants String Yes
Idempotent-Key Unique key for the request String Yes
PSP-Test-Mode A flag defining if the alias is for the PSP test mode. Default value is false if field is not populated Boolean No
User-Agent Should consist of a platform name and a version - Platform-version String No

The response body will contain:

Parameter Name Description Type
aliasId Stash! alias id String
psp Calculated PSP configuration String

The PSP configuration will be used by the Mobile SDK in order to communicate with the PSP Backend. After this operation, the users will get a partial alias.

Exchange an Alias

The Alias can be updated by providing the following parameters in a request header:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Publishable-Key The publishable API key defined for the merchants String Yes
PSP-Test-Mode A flag defining if the alias is for the PSP test mode. Default value is false if field is not populated Boolean No
User-Agent Should consist of a platform name and a version - Platform-version String No

URL path variable:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Alias-Id Id of the Stash! alias that needs to be updated String Yes

Request body:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
pspAlias The PSP alias received from PSP Backend String No
extra The extra information for the wanted alias(CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL) AliasExtra Yes


Parameter Name Description Type Required
ccConfig Credit card configuration CreditCardConfig Yes for CC
sepaConfig SEPA configuration SepaConfig Yes for SEPA
payPalConfig PayPal configuration PayPalConfig Yes for PAY_PAL
threeDSecureConfig Configuration for storing the data necessary for 3D Secure ThreeDSecureConfig No
personalData Personal data PersonalData No
paymentMethod CC, SEPA or PAY_PAL String Yes
channel Adyen channel (iOS, Android) String Yes for Adyen


Parameter Name Description Type Required
ccMask Credit Card mask, e.g. VISA-1111 String No
ccExpiry Credit Card expiry date String No
ccType Credit Card type String No
ccHolderName Credit Card holder name String No
encryptedCardNumber Encrypted credit card number String Yes for Adyen
encryptedExpiryMonth Encrypted credit expiry month String Yes for Adyen
encryptedExpiryYear Encrypted credit expiry year String Yes for Adyen
encryptedSecurityCode Encrypted credit card security code String Yes for Adyen
returnUrl The URL to return to String Yes for Adyen


Parameter Name Description Type Required
iban International bank account number String Yes
bic Bank identifier code String No


Parameter Name Description Type Required
nonce PayPal nonce String Yes
billingAgreementId Billing agreement id String No
deviceData Device data collected by client String Yes


Parameter Name Description Type Required
paymentData Payload needed to verify the payment - for 3DS v1 and v2 String No
fingerprintResult Fingerprint result from the client, for Identify Shopper result - for 3DS v2 String No
challengeResult Challenge result from the client, for Challenge Shopper result - for 3DS v2 String No
md Value received after the shopper was redirected - for 3DS v1 String No
paRes Value received after the shopper was redirected - for 3DS v1 String No


Parameter Name Description Type Required
email Customer's email String No
customerIp Account holder's IP String Yes for Adyen
firstName Account holder's first name String Yes for SEPA
lastName Account holder's last name String Yes for SEPA and BS Payone
street Account holder's street String No
zip Account holder's zip String No
city Account holder's city String No
country Account holder's country code String Yes for BS Payone
customerReference Customer reference String No

The response body will contain:

Parameter Name Description Type
resultCode Result code - IdentifyShopper, ChallengeShopper or Authorised String
token Fingerprint or challenge token depends on the result code - for 3DS v2 String
paymentData Payment data String
actionType Action type, e.g. 3ds2 fingerptint String
paymentMethodType Payment method type String
paReq Payload needed when redirecting the shopper - for 3DS v1 String
termUrl The return url provided in the request - for 3DS v1 String
md Payload needed to complete the payment - for 3DS v1 String
url Url where shopper will be redirected - for 3DS v1 String

Verify Alias

This call is used to verify alias after the 3DS authentication. The Alias can be verified by providing the following parameters in a request header:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Publishable-Key The publishable API key defined for the merchants String Yes
PSP-Test-Mode A flag defining if the alias is for the PSP test mode. Default value is false if field is not populated Boolean No
User-Agent Should consist of a platform name and a version - Platform-version String No

URL path variable:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Alias-Id Id of the Stash! alias that needs to be verified String Yes

Request body:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
fingerprintResult Fingerprint result from the client, for Identify Shopper result - for 3DS v2 String No
challengeResult Challenge result from the client, for Challenge Shopper result - for 3DS v2 String No
md Value received after the shopper was redirected - for 3DS v1 String No
paRes Value received after the shopper was redirected - for 3DS v1 String No

Response body will contain:

Parameter Name Description Type
resultCode Result code - IdentifyShopper, ChallengeShopper or Authorised String
token Fingerprint or challenge token depends on the result code - for 3DS v2 String
paymentData Payment data String
actionType Action type, e.g. 3ds2 fingerptint String
paymentMethodType Payment method type String
paReq Payload needed when redirecting the shopper - for 3DS v1 String
termUrl The return url provided in the request - for 3DS v1 String
md Payload needed to complete the payment - for 3DS v1 String
url Url where shopper will be redirected - for 3DS v1 String

Delete an Alias

The Alias can be deleted by providing the following parameters in a request header:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Secret-Key The secret API key defined for the merchants String Yes
PSP-Test-Mode a flag defining if the alias is for the PSP test mode Boolean No

URL path variable:

Parameter Name Description Type Required
Alias-Id Id of the Stash! alias that needs to be deleted String Yes

The state of the deleted alias will be changed from true to false in the Stash! Backend.

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