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Update Adyen Alias

Afifa Bakiz edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 11 revisions

During the Adyen alias update, the Stash! backend will finish the alias registration for SEPA, or initiate 3D Secure authentication for a credit card. The following parameters are needed:

Parameter Name Description
apiKey Public key at merchant config
amount.value Amount 0 will be sent
amount.currency Currency
shopperReference Alias id at Stash! backend
reference Payment reference, generated by the backend
merchantAccount Merchant id
paymentMethod.type scheme for 3D Secure (CC), sepadirectdebit for SEPA
paymentMethod.holderName Holder name
paymentMethod.iban Iban
encryptedCardNumber Encrypted CC number
encryptedExpiryMonth Encrypted CC expiry month
encryptedExpiryYear Encrypted CC expiry year
encryptedSecurityCode Encrypted CC securty code
storeDetails Will be set to true
additionalData.allow3DS2 Allowing 3DS v2 authentication
additionalData.executeThreeD Allowing 3DS v1 authentication
channel iOS or Android
returnUrl URL to return after the 3DS v1 redirection
enableRecurring Will be set to true

Adyen response:

Parameter Name Description
resultCode Result code
recurringDetailReference PSP alias in Payment BE, received if result code is Authorised
shopperReference Customer id, received if result code is Authorised
paymentData Payload needed to verify the payment
fingerprintToken Fingerprint token, received if result code is IdentifyShopper
challengeToken Challenge token, received if result code is ChallengeShopper
actionType Action type, e.g. threeDS2Fingerprint
paymentMethodType Payment method type
paReq Payload needed when redirecting the shopper, received if result code is RedirectShopper
termUrl The return url, received if result code is RedirectShopper
md Payload needed to complete the payment, received if result code is RedirectShopper
url Url where shopper will be redirected, received if result code is RedirectShopper

If the result code is Refused, Error, or Cancelled the appropriate error message received from Adyen will be returned.

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