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Nate Woolls edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 8 revisions

Contribute to MultiMiner Development

MultiMiner is an Open Source project with a permissive MIT license. Whether helping with features, bugs, or documentation, forking and contributing to MultiMiner is always welcome and encouraged.

The source code for MultiMiner is publicly available and regularly updated. You can download and compile the source code for MultiMiner using any of the following free tools:

MultiMiner Source Code

The source code for MultiMiner is structured in such a way that makes it easy to use and re-use for other projects.

The source on GitHub also includes a simple example that illustrates the basic functionality such as mining and monitoring mining progress.

    //download and install the latest version of bfgminer
    const string executablePath = @"D:\bfgminer\";
    const string executableName = "bfgminer.exe";

    Console.WriteLine("Downloading and installing {0} from {1} to the directory {2}",
        executableName, Xgminer.Installer.GetMinerDownloadRoot(), executablePath);

    //download and install bfgminer from the official website
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